(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1980)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1980)
Paper-I- History 1980 (Mains)
1. Mark any fifteen of the following on the map supplied to you and give descriptive notes on them:
(i) Amber
(ii) Ahmadnagar
(iii) Anegondi
(iv) Badami
(v) Bassein
(vi) Bidar
(vii) Chanderi
(viii) Chittor
(ix) Arikamedu
(x) Devagiri
(xi) Gaur
(xii) Halebid
(xiii) Ikkeri
(xiv) Kalibangan
(xv) Jinji
(xvi) Burzahom
(xvii) Dvarasamudra
(xviii) Nalanda
(xix) Nagarjunakonda
(xx) Nasik
(xxi) Pattadakal
(xxii) Penugonda
(xxiii) Fran
(xxiv) Purandar Fort
(xxv) Gulbarga
(xxvi) Sasaram
(xxvii) Sikandara
(xxviii) Tanjore
(xxix) Kausambi
(xxx) Mamallapuram
Section A
2. Discuss the trade, cultural contacts and the extents of the Indus Civilization within and outside India and describe in detail any one of the Indus sites within India.
3. Discuss the political pattern and the major religious ideas and rituals of the Vedic age.
4. Critically examine the sources for the study of Mauryan dynasty. How are they useful in understanding the Mauryan administration?
5. Discuss the ancient Indian contacts with South-East Asia with reference to causes, chronology and original home of the migrators. What was the impact of these contacts on the art of Kambuja and Java?
6. Examine the development of religion, literature and fine arts under the Gupta's.
Section B
7. Give an account of the impact of Islam on Indian culture in respect of society, religion and fine arts.
8. Describe the development of Chola power under Rajaraja and Rajendra I. Form an estimate of their cultural contributions.
9. Discuss the patterns of land revenue system developed in Medieval India and examine their significant features.
10. Discuss the origin of the Vijayanagara Kingdom. Do you agree with the view that Krishnadevaraya was an ideal ruler of this dynasty?
11. Trace the development of Maratha power under Shivaji.
Paper-II- History 1980 (Mains)
Section A (Modern India)
1. “The poverty of the Indian people was the consequence of the Government’s land revenue and taxation policy!” Discuss this statement with reference to British rule in India in the 19th Century.
2. Critically examine the nature of the Revolt of 1857. How did it affect the British policy in India after 1858?
3. Describe briefly the ideals and programme of the Indian National Congress between 1885 and 1905 and assess official response to it.
4. What were the circumstances that led Mahatma Gandhi to start the Non-cooperation Movement? Examine its contribution to India’s struggle for freedom.
5. Write a brief essay on the peasant movement in India between 1921 and 1947.
Section B (Modern World)
6. Give an account of the revolutionary developments in agriculture in western Europe between 16th and 18th centuries. How far were they affected by the Commercial Revolution?
7. Explain the main features of the Technological Revolution and discuss its impact on society.
8. Trace the various stages that led to the Unification of Italy between 1848 and 1870.
9. What were the causes for the success of Bolshevik Revolution of 1917? Discuss its significance in the history of the world.
10. ‘The period 1919 to 1945 is important in the history of Egypt for the explanation of its resources by Great Britain and rise of strong nationalism’. Discuss.
11. ‘The years 1840 to 1860 confronted the Ching dynasty and the people of China with unprecedented crises due to imperialist designs of western powers’. Discuss critically.