(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1982)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1982)
Paper-I- History 1982 (Mains)
Section A
1. Write short answers of not more than 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Was India civilized before the advent of the Aryans? State briefly the extent and striking
features of the earlier civilization, if any.
(b) Do you think that the economic factors were alone responsible for the disintegration of the
Mauryan Empire?
(c) How far is it correct to say that the Indians of the ancient period indulged only metaphysical
things and not in the development of pure sciences?
(d) Examine the role of guilds in the economic life of ancient India.
2. Discuss the cultural impact of India of the South-East Asia during the ancient period.
3. Discuss the conditions of economic life in the age of the Guptas.
4. Trace the origin and development of the political authority of the Chalukyas of Badami and discuss their contribution to religion and architecture.
Section B
5. Mark any fifteen of the following on the map supplied to you and give descriptive notes:
(i) Agra
(ii) Ahmednagar
(iii) Ajmer
(iv) Attock
(v) Bidar
(vi) Bijapur
(vii) Burhanpur
(viii) Chaul
(ix) Chittod (Chittor)
(x) Champaner
(xi) Dabhol
(xii) Daulatabad
(xiii) Fatehpur Sikri
(xiv) Gingee
(xv) Golconth
(xvi) Cwaljor
(xvii) Hampi
(xviii) Janjiar
(xix) Jaunpur
(xx) Mandu
(xxi) Multan
(xxii) Panipat
(xxiii) Pune
(xxiv) Raigad (Raigarh)
(xxv) Ranthambhor
(xxvi) Surat
(xxvii) Talikota
(xxviii) Tanjavur
(xxix) Ujjain
(xxx) Vengurla
6. Critically examine the Views of Balban, Ala-ud-din Khalji and the Tughluq on the nature of Kingship under the Delhi Sultanate
7. Analyze the cause of the agrarian crisis of the Mughal Empire and briefly discuss the agrarian aspects of the peasant revolt against the Empire.
8. Review the efforts made by Shivaji in consolidating his power in the Deccan in the seventeenth
Paper-II- History 1982 (Mains)
Section A (Modern India)
1. Comment an any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘Baksar takes rank amongst the most decisive battles ever fought.’
(b) The Reforms of 1909 introduced ‘a cardinal problem and ground of controversy at
every revision of the Indian electoral system.’
(c) Ram Mohan Roy ‘presents a most instructive and inspiring study for the New India of which
he is the type and pioneer
(d) The Cripps Mission gave India “a post-dated cheque.”
2. Trace the course and explain the consequences of the drain of wealth from Bengal in the eighteenth
3. Describe the nature of Indian Nationalism with special reference to the character of its leadership iii
the period between 1885 and 1905.
4. Tribal revolts were a reaction to an alien, unfeeling administration. Elucidate with reference to the
British tribal policy in Eastern India in the nineteenth century.
Section B (Modern World)
5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each
(a) ‘Imperialism and Colonialism have long employed as instruments of national policy.’
(b) ‘The characteristic motive of this period (1830-1871) was not so much Liberalism as
(c) ‘Japanese policy in relation to Manchuria reacted back upon Japan affecting her both
economically and politically.’
(d) ‘Mehemet Ali, half an illiterate barbarian, half a consummate statesman, was wholly a
6. Trace the growth of Capitalism in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. How did it
affect the Wage System in the country?
7. Critically examine the main features of the foreign policy of Nazi Germany.
8. How did the Treaty Port System in China develop between 1840 and 1860 ? What was its
inference on Chinese attitude to foreigners?