(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1987)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1987)
Paper -I- History-1987 (Mains)
Section A
1. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you and give brief descriptive notes
on them:
(i) Aihole
(ii) Amaravati
(iii) Arikmedu
(iv) Bairat
(v) Banawali
(vi) Bodh-Caya
(vii) Burzahom
(viii) Deogarh
(ix) Daimabad
(x) Elephanta
(xi) Ellora
(xii) Fran
(xiii) Hastinapur
(xiv) Kausambi
(xv) Konarak
(xvi) Lauriya Nandangarh
(xvii) Mahabalipuram
(xviii) Maski
(xix) Mathura
(xx) Nalanda
(xxi) Nasik
(xxii) Navdatoli
(xxiii) Piprahwa
(xxiv) Rajagrtha
(xxv) Ropar
(xxvi) Sankisa
(xxvii) Sopara
(xxviii) Tamralipti
(xxix) Vidisha
(xxx) Vikramasila
2. Compare the economic, social and religious life of the Indus Valley (Harappan) people with that of the early Vedic people and discuss the relative chronology of the Indus and the early Vedic cultures.
3. Discuss the social & economic factors for the rise of Buddhism How far was it influenced by Upnisadic thought?
4. ‘Harsha owes his greatness largely not to any real achievements but to formulate descriptions by two famous men.’ Discuss.
Section B
5. Write short answers of not more than 200 words on any three of the following:
(a) Shankaracharya’s philosophy and its impact
(b) Main sources of information for the history of the 13th century
(c) Significance of the Bhakti Movement
(d) Structure and role of the Maratha Confedency.
6. Critically examine the price control measures of Alauddin Khilji. What was the main objective behind them and how for was he able to put them into effecter?
7. Discuss the development of art and culture under the Vijayanagar Empire.
8. Bring out the main features of the MANSAB and JAGIR systems with special reference to the reign
of Akbar
Paper - II- History-1987 (Mains)
Section A (Modem India)
1. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘The revolution of 1760 (Bengal) was really no revolution.’
(b) ‘The British endeavoured as far as possible to live within a Ring-Fence and beyond that they
avoided intercourse with the chiefs.’
(c) ‘The Ilbert Bill was the most extreme but by no means isolated expression of white racism.’
(d) ‘The national democratic awakening of the Indian people found expression of white racism.’
2. Trace the gradual decline of the Indian town handicrafts between 1757 and 1880. In what way did it contribute to the economic unification of India?
3. Identify the various forms of ‘rural protest’ in India in the second half of the nineteenth century. Were they expressions of anti-landlord or anti-foreign discontent?4. How would you explain Gandhiji’s ‘rise to power’ or ‘capture’ of national leadership in the course of 1919-20? Was it a very skilful top-level political game?
Section B (World History)
5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘By 1861, China may be said to have been fully though grudgingly opened to the Westerner.’
(b) ‘The Unification of Germany was the one thing Bismarck was determined to prevent.’
(c) ‘The international situation that confronted the peacemakers in Pairs was in the brutal
realities of history, the result of a temporary redistribution of the balance of power in the
(d) ‘One of the last Strongholds - of oil imperialism and European colonualism it (Middle East)
cultivates a fiery nationalism as a weapon against foreign oppression’
6. Account for the emergence of the national monarchies in Europe in the sixteenth century. Did the monarchs build the national states less by design than by chance?
7. How did Japan develop between 1868 and 1894 ? Did the ‘Restoration of Meiji’ mark a sharp break with the past?
8. Critically examine the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Did he want to introduce a sort of socialism?