(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1988)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1988)
Paper -I- History-1988 (Mains)
Section A
1. Write short essays of not more than 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Position of women in the Rigvedic society
(b) The intellectual revolution in the Sixth Century B.C.
(c) Mauryan court art as an alien grafting
(d) The Maukharis paving the way for the glory of Harshavardhana
2. “The Indus Civilization had an abrupt end.” Discuss the statement and explain how the Indus Civilization could influence Indian culture in its later history.
3. Brief out the salient features of the religious development in the Post-Maurya period. How was contemporary art influenced by it?
4. Evaluate the importance of the contributions of the Pallavas in the history of the development of art and administration in South India.
Section B
5. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you. Also give brief descriptive
notes on the places marked on the map:
(i) Amarkot
(ii) Attock
(iii) Bijapur
(iv) Cambay
(v) Calicut
(vi) Chanderi
(vii) Chaul
(viii) Cuftack
(ix) Diu
(x) Dvarasalnudra
(xi) Fathepur Sikri
(xii) Goa
(xiii) Golkunda
(xiv) Gulbarga
(xv) Hampi
(xvi) Jodhpur
(xvii) Kalpi
(xviii) Kanauj
(xix) Karigra
(xx) Masulipatan
(xxi) Multan
(xxii) Pondicherry
(xxiii) Raichur
(xxiv) Rajmahal
(xxv) Rameshwaram
(xxvi) Rohtas
(xxvii) Satan
(xxviii) Talikot
(xxix) Tanjore
(xxx) Tarain
6. Bring out the salient features of the polity & social structure of the Rajputs. To what extent were they responsible for the weakness of the to foreign invaders?
7. Was the state in the Sultanate period a theocracy? Discuss the new orientation of state policies and administrative principles under Muhammad bin Tughluq.
8. “The expansion of Mughal empire in Deccan brought about its decline”. Discuss brought about its
decline”. Discuss.
Paper - II- History-1988 (Mains)
Section A (Modern India)
1. Comment an any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) “Whatever might have been its original character, it (Rebellion of 1857) soon became 3
symbol of challenge to the mighty British power in India.”
(b) “The impact of government on the people meant essentially the impact of government on the
(c) “Dyarchy was Introduced with high hopes and it must be said that, oil a theoretical analysis
and if worked under ideal conditions, it is not without merits,”
(d) “The Simla Conference (1945) afforded the last opportunity of the forces of nationalism to
fight a reargued action to preserve the integrity of the country and when the battle was lost,
the waves of communalism quickly engulfed it.”
2. Review the educational policy of the English East India Company. To what extent did it serve the
imperial interests of Great Britain?
3. Discuss briefly the tribal revolts in Eastern India from 1817 to 1857. Were they directed against land
lordism and colonialism ?
4. At different periods and at various levels, the National Movement assumed social, cultural and
economic dimensions. Amplify.
Section B (World History)
5. Comment on any three of the following statement in about 200 words each:
(a) “Attempts to put mercantilist doctrine into practice characterized the history of most of the
nations of Western European in the 16th and 17th centuries.”
(b) “At the news of the Declaration of Independence crowds gathered to cheer, fire guns and
cannon and ring church bells in Philadelphia. Boston and other places, but there were many
people in America who did not rejoice”.
(c) “...... the European nations in emphasizing their solidarity, their European's
in dealing with Asian countries inevitably gave rise to a feeling of Asianness.”
(d) “The Anglo-Japanese Treaty (1962) marks a milestone in the development of Japan as an
Asiatic power.”
6. Examine the view that the thirty years’ war (1618-1648) was essentially a contest between the
Bourbon and Hapsburg houses for mastery of the Continent of Europe. How for did it settle the
7. Why is the period from 1842 to 1900 considered as half a century of humiliations
in the history of China? What was the reaction of China?
8. Write a critical note on the process of decolonization accelerated by the second World War.