(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1993)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper History (1993)
Paper -I- History-1993 (Mains)
Section A
1. Write brief essays of not more than 200 word each on any three of the following:
(a) The burial customs in the Indus Civilization
(b) The Vedic Gods of the terrestrial region
(c) Similarities and differences between the Maurya columns and Achaemenian pillars
(d) Buddhist writing in Sanskrit in the post-Maurya period
2. Bring out the elements of change and continuity between the Early Vedic and Later Vedic Cultures.
3. Examine the importance of Ashoka’s Rock Edit XIII for determining the extent of the Maurya
Empire. Did Ashoka’s policies and reforms contribute to the fall of the empire?
4. Discuss the military activities of Kharavela of Kalinga. Do you think that his reign is significant for
military expeditions alone?
Section B
5. Mark any fifteen of the following places on the map supplied to you and write brief notes only on the
places marked on the map:
(i) Abu
(ii) Balasore
(iii) Belur
(iv) Bhojpur
(v) Chaul
(vi) Chunar
(vii) Gingee
(viii) Golconda
(ix) Janjira
(x) Kalanaur
(xi) Kalpi
(xii) Khajuha
(xiii) Khajuraho
(xiv) Konark
(xv) Kondavid
(xvi) Kumbakonam
(xvii) Mahim
(xviii) Mandasor
(xix) Mandla
(xx) Maner
(xxi) Modhera
(xxii) Pandua
(xxiii) Pulicat
(xxiv) Puri
(xxv) Raigarh
(xxvi) Rajmahal
(xxvii) Rewa
(xxix) Sringeri
(xxx) Talikota
6. Discuss the contribution of Rajaraja I find Rajendra I for the expansion of the Chola empire. Analyse
the causes and impact of the naval expeditions of the Cholas.
7. Examine the significance of Alauddin Khalji’s administrative reforms. Was he really successful in
implementing these measures?
8. Analyse the merits and demerits of the Mansabdari System. How did it work under Akbar’s
Paper - II- History-1993 (Mains)
Section A
1. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘The permanent system of Bengal though initiated with best of best of intentions, was a sadly blundering affairs.’
(b) ‘The treaty of Bassein, by is direct and indirect operations, gave the Company the Empire of India.’
(c) ‘The nationalist political movements for liberation such as the non-cooperation and civil disobedience movements and their leadership depended heavily on the peasantry.’
(d) ‘Mountbatten’s task was, therefore, merely to work out details and effect the partion, demanded by the League and accepted by both British Government and the Congress; and this the new Viceroy moved commandingly to perform.’
2. What kind of administrative change was introduced in India under the East India Company?
3. Explain the British policy of ‘Subordinate union’ of Indian States with British India from 1858 to 1905. How did the Government of India implement this policy during this period?
4. To what extent did the socio-religious movements contribute to the emancipation of women in the 19th century?
Section B
5. Comment on any three of the following statements in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘The scale, splendour and organized power of the monarchy of Louis XIV were something
new in Europe.’
(b) ‘For a tired and timid generation Metternich was the necessary man.’
(c) ‘The Treaty of Versailles was merely an armistice for twenty years.’
(d) ‘The Manchurian crisis decided the fate of the league of Nations.’
6. Assess the intellectual quickening which occurred in Europe in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. How did it influence modern society and civilization?
7. What were the obstacles to Italian unification till 1852? How and with what methods was the unification of Italy achieved?
8. Arab Nationalism and Oil-these were the principal factors complicating the relations of the West Asian countries with the outside world. Do you agree?