(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1982)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1982)
Paper-I-Philosophy-1982 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each on each:
(a) Cogito ergo sum
(b) Esse est percipi
(c) Hume’s critique of the idea of necessary connection
(d) Does existence precede essence?
2. What are the basic principles of an empiricist theory of knowledge? Try to formulate these principles
with an eye to the view of Locke, Hune and the logical positivists, who are all recognized as
3. Can the immediate object of perception be a material thing? Discuss the question in the context of
hallucinatory and illusory experience.
4. Is reality one or many? Write a short essay on the controversy between monism and pluralism.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words on each:
(a) The Vaisesika categories of samanya, samavaya and
(b) The concept of pramana
(c) The Buddhistic theory of ksanabhangavada
(d) The law of karmavada
6. How do we come to know a thin by anumana? Discuss the Nyaya view of inferential knowledge
7. Give an account of the roles which Pursua and Prakriti play in the Samkhya theory of cosmic
8. What exactly is the significance of the Vedantin’s characterization of Brahman as sat, cit, and
anada? Consider whether such a characterization is consistent with their view that Brahman’s is
Paper-II-Philosophy-1982 (Mains)
1. Comment critically on any three of the following in not more than 200 words on each:
(a) Power corrupts and absolute power Corrupts absolutely
(b) Communism is good, but its methods are bad
(c) A free press is a necessary Condition of democracy
(d) Untouchability, is a form of aparthcid
2. Explain the ethical significance of the preamble to Indian Constitution
3. Evaluate the importance of the study of ancient Indian Philosophy in the changing cultural context of
4. Examine the view that Philosophers Should be rulers or that rulers should have a sufficient
backgrou0 of Philosophy.
5. Analyze and evaluate any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Religious conversion should b banned in a Secular State
(b) No religious sect or denomination should be permitted to run out educational institutions
(c) Religious fundamentalism is akin to Fascism
(d) Secularism is synonymous with a scientific Worldviews and has nothing to do with religion.
6. Do religious values conflict with moral values? Explain in this context the utility of religious
education in our schools.
7. Distinguish clearly between the following:
(a) Theology and philosophy of religion
(b) Reason and revelation
(c) Agnosticism, Skepticism and Nihilism
8. Evaluate the roles of religious myths and symbols in social and political life.