(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1984)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1984)
Paper-I-Philosophy-1984 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in about 200 words on each:
(a) ‘Cogito ergo sum.’ What does this prove?
(b) Can we sharply distinguish between Analytic and Synthetic Judgments?
(c) Ego-centric Predicament
(d) Pragmatic Theory of Truth
2. How far is Locke an empiricist? Discuss.
3. What is Absolute Idealism? Do you believe in it? Give reasons for your answer.
4. Discuss critically the verification theory of meaning.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words on each:
(a) Upamana as a Prarmana
(b) Samanya
(c) Pratityasamutpadavada
(d) The Arguments for the Existence of Prakriti
6. State and evaluate the Jaina doctrine of soul and its liberation.
7. Consider critically the Nyaya arguments for the existence of God.
8. Discuss critically Samkara’s theory of the world.
Paper-II-Philosophy-1984 (Mains)
1. Comment critically from your own standpoint, on any three of the following views in not more than
200 words on each:
(a) Philosophy can never be defined because it is a search for the indefinable
(b) Every form of government tends to perish by the excess of its basic principle
(c) Communism began by imprisoning the few to free the many and then enchained the many to
protect the few
(d) Some of the worst tyrannies have been built on the under- structure of an almost perfect
2. Explain the nature of Sarvodaya How far is this principle incorporated in our constitution?
3. Discuss the impact of science and technology on Indian society. What, in your opinion, are those traditional factors which have served to slow down or stop its progress?
4. Examine the role of violence in shaping or destroying our social structure and values.
5. Elucidate and evaluate any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Man’s religion iS accidental but his faith is not; the latter is based on conviction
(b) Religious fanaticism uses the words of the holy, but its actions are criminal
(c) There can be a genuine religion without God, but no genuine God Without religion
(d) The universe is perfectly ordered; God must have been a mathematician
6. Distinguish clearly between:
(a) Rational theology and theology of revelation.
(b) Evil and sin.
(c) Secularism and synthesis of religions.
7. Analyze critically the attitude to the human person in Hinduism on the one hand and Christianity on the other.
8. Is moksa relevant as a goal in the modern context? If so, how and why? If not, how could you possibly make it relevant in the modern context?