(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1988)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1988)

Paper-I- Philosophy-1988 (Mains)


1. Explain and give your own views, in not more than 200 words each, on any three of the following:
(a) All knowledge is knowledge through concepts.
(b) Possibility of syntyhetic apriori judgements
(c) philosophical problems arise when language goes on a holiday.
(d) Subjectivity is truth, subjectivity is reality.

2. Trace briefly the development of analytical philosophy distinguishing clearly between:
(a) Logical empiricism and (b) Lig/nguistic analysis.

3. Explain the significance of phenomenology:
(a) as a method and
(b) as a metaphysical system. Distinguish clearly between:
(i) existential phenomenology and (ii) hermeneutics.

4. Discuss critically the pragmatic theory of truth.


5. Explain (in not more than 200 words each) any three of the following highlighting the controversies centering on each of them:
(a) Abhava
(b) Arthapatti
(c) Sahopalambhaniyama
(d) Adhyasa.

6. What is khyatt? Distinguish clearly, with suitable examples, between:
(a) Asatkhyati
(b) Anyathakhyati
(c) Viparitakhyati

7. Explain the Buddhist theory of causation and compare it with that of the Naiyayikas.

8. Is Samkhya dualism consistent? Discuss.

Paper-II- Philosophy-1988 (Mains)


1. Give critical comments on any three of the following views in not more than 200 words each:
(a) There is no substantial evidence for he needed change in social institutions.
(b) Terrorism, which is spreading in some Indian states, has as its principal cause the interference for foreign countries.
(c) There cannot be revolution without violence.
(d) Communism is not compatible with freedom.

2. Discuss the relations between Philosophy and Culture.

3. Bring out the difficulties combining both Socialism and Democracy.

4. Explain the distinctive characteristics of religions language.


5. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Philosophy of religion is not religion.
(b) One can affirm religion and deny God.
(c) Conversion is on the decline now.
(d) one religious faith is independent of and unrelated to the others.

6. Is mystical experience adequate evidence for the existence of God? Discuss.

7. What is the problem of evil? Can it be solved?

8. “Secularism in India stands not for irreligion but for deep religious understanding”. Discuss that statement.