(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1990)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1990)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1990 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words on each:-
(a) Plato’s theory or Forms
(b) Cartesian Method of Doubt
(c) Hegal’s Dialectical method
(d) Being and Nothingness
2. No empirical proposition is ever certain.’ Comment.
3. Explain the views of Leibniz concerning substances, called Monarch.
4. Give a critical account of Kant’s theory about space and time.
5. Critically examine any three of the following statements is not more than 200 words on each
(i) ‘An object of knowledge is determined by means of pramanas’.
(ii) ‘This world is a manifestation of the Sabda-Brahma.’
(iii) ‘Inference is not possible, as it involves the fallacy of petitio-principii’
(iv) ‘Every knowable entity is speak able’.
6. Explain and evaluate the yew of Samkara that the Brahman must be free from all the differences (bheda).
7. Elaborate and examine the Buddhist theory of momentariness.
8. State the Vaisesika view about universals (Samanya) and examine it in the light of the Buddhist
theory of Apoha.
Paper-II- Philosophy-1990 (Mains)
1. Give critical comments on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) Ideoldgy is a process accomplished by the so-called thinker consciously indeed, but with a
false consciousness.
(b) The will of a people finds expression in the will and Power of one leader who is capable of
rising above private interests.
(c) The Success of Civil disobedience is dependent on the extent to which it can prevent or delay
the judicial process
(d) The essence of modernity in nihilism, combined with the recogenition of the impossibility of
2. Why is communism turning to democracy for its suival? Has it overcome its opposition to democracy? Answer with arguments and illustrations.
3. Explain and examine the following statement in the content of Sarvoday Philosophy “State is the
actuality of the Ethical Idea”
4. Analyze and evaluate the elements of change in Indian Social Institutions
5. Write critical comments on any three of the following in to more than 200 Words each
(a) Religion is more than morality
(b) If God was to create us free and enable us thereby to have the maturity and dignity of
responsible beings. He had to allow us to Sin.
(c) Moksha is the being of Brahman
(d) Understanding is the reward of faith.
6. Explain and evaluate the ontological argument for the existence of God.
7. What is mysticism? Discuss the chief characteristics of mystic experience.
8. Can non-theistic faiths be seen as encounters with the same divine reality that is encountered in theistic faiths? Explain in the light of the unity of all religions.