(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1994)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (1994)
Paper-I- Philosophy-1994 (Mains)
1. Briefly comment of any three of the following in not than 200 words each.
(a) All philosophical thought moves within the intellectual on opened by a tradition.
(b) Philosophy of Common-Sense.
(c) ‘Man is the measure of all things.
(d) “Truth is subjectivity.
2. Discuss Heidegger’s notion of death as a mode of existential experience.
3. Can synthetic truths be known a-priori? If so, must such knowledge be knowledge of universal and necessary truths? In this context critically consider Kant’s view.
4. Give a crilcal appraisal of the various forms of epistemological realism.
5. Briefly comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) Sankara’s criticism of the doctrine of God as the efficient cause of the world.
(b) Analysis of perception in the Jaina philosophy.
(c) The idea of Liberation (Moksa) in the Samkhya philosophy.
(d) Analysis of false knowledge in the Yoga philosophy.
6. What according to Ramanuja is he cause of the material world? Consider in his connection his critique of the Advaita theory of Maya.
7. What is the Jaina doctrine of ‘Naya’? How is it related to the doctrines of ‘Anekantavada’ and ‘Syadvada? Explain.
8. What is ‘Vyapti’? How is it known? Discuss with special reference to the Nyaya System.
Paper-II- Philosophy-1994 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) The role of critical thinking in philosophy
(b) The distinction between philosophy and culture
(c) Terrorism and Democracy
(d) Satyagraha as a form of Constitutionalism
2. Discuss the nature of philosophy as an examination of fundamental beliefs of human life.
3. Consider critically the view that the metaphysical basis of communism is consisten with its social
4. Can the ideal of “Treat your mother as the Divine” be realized in modern Indian family? Clarify
reasons for your answer.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Jainism as a universal religion
(b) Common and universal elements in Christianity and Islam
(c) Religious language and cognitive meaning
(d) The path of devotion.
6. Identify some common problems of theology and philosophy of religion and bring out the difference between their approaches to them.
7. Discuss critically the role of reason and revelation in attaining religious knowledge.
8. State and evaluate the various arguments for the existence of God.