(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (2006)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (2006)
Paper-I- Philosophy-2006 (Mains)
1. Write short notes on any Three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Discuss the ‘theory of matter’ according to Aristotle.
(b) Explain the theory of knowledge according to Locke
(c) Critically discuss the Hegel’s Dialectical method
(d) Explain Kant’s criticism of the proofs for the existence of God
2. Discuss Hume’s Scepticism.
3. Discuss Descarte’s Dualism.
4. Explain Spinoza’s theory of Substance.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Discuss the theory of knowledge, according to Charvaka Philosophy.
(b) Explain the theory of Substance according to Jainism
(c) Discuss Pratityasamutpada in Buddhism
(d) Examine Sankara’s Mayavada
6. Critically discuss the Sankhya theory of Causation.
7. Explain Nyaya theory of Pramanas.
8. Discuss the Metaphysics of Acharya Ramanuja.
Paper-II- Philosophy-2006 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each: -
(a) “Christian Humanism is a contradiction in terms.”
(b) “The conception of a good political order rests upon an objectively true account of human
(c) “Democracy, which treats everybody’s opinion equally, is inefficient in determining the right
thing to do.”
(d) “Acceptance of authority of the state is inconsistent with the highest duty of mankind, the
duty to act autonomously.” (Robert Paul Wolff).
2. Describe the tension between conseqentialist and retributivist theories of punishment. Discuss
critically, in the context, the view that argues that since no existing penal system for crime
prevention has adequate justification, state punishment cannot be justified, and, therefore, it should
be completely abolished.
3. Describe your understanding of socialism. Must it be defined in normative terms of a set of values and ideas which social lists seek to realize, or in descriptive terms the specific character of the economic and political institutions of socialist society? Can the tension between the two be adequately resolved? Discuss
4. Explain the notion of sovereignty. Critically consider, in this context, the claim that sovereignty is illimitable and logically indivisible.
5. Write critical notes on any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each: -
(a). “God permitted evil to exist in order to bring about greater good, Adam’s fall was felix culpa
(happy sun)”. (Leibniz)
(b). “Religious faith consists of a set of profoundly unfalsiable assumptions that govern all of a
person’s other beliefs.” (R. M. Hare)
(c). “Without some conceptions of immortality of soul, religion is meaningless.”
(d). The difference between impersonalistic and naturalistic conceptions of God.”
6. Traditionally omnipotence has been regarded as one of the attributes of God. But according to some critics, the notion of omnipotent being is paradoxical. In response, some theists have tried to resolve the alleged paradox. Describe the paradox and explain the attempts to resolve it.
7. Distinguish between religious and secular ethics: Discuss in this context, the view that holds that secular ethics are superior to religious ethics because religious ethics are essentially based on rules without decisive regard for consequences, whereas secular ethics, as their best, aim at producing the best overall consequences.
8. Explain the notion of revelation. Does revelation stand in need of confirmation? Discuss and also explain the difference or similarity between revelation and ‘Shruti’.