(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (1985)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (1985) 

Paper-I- Political Science-1985 (Mains)


1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) 'There will be no end to the troubles of states, or indeed of humanity itself, till political power and philosophy come into the same hands, while the many nations now content to follow either to the exclusion of the other are forcibly debarred from doing so.' (Plato)
(b) 'I have resolved to open a new route, which has not yet been followed by anyone.' (Machiavelli)
(c) 'The great and chief end of Men's uniting into Commonwealths and putting themselves under Government, is the Preservation of their Property’ (Locke)
(d) ‘A1l the philosophers have attempted to reach back to the state of nature but none of them has ever got there'. (Rousseau)

2. Discuss the Marxist approach to the study of politics with particular reference to the development of Political Science as a discipline in recent years.

3. Critically analyze the current State of the theory of Liberalism with specific reference to its concepts of Liberty, Democracy and Justice.

4. Describe the nature of the modern State and discuss the problems it has to face from centrifugal forces to its authority and legitimacy.


5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) 'In a party, it is far from obvious that the interests of the masses which have combined to form the party will coincide with the interests of the bureaucracy in which the party becomes personified'. (Michels)
(b) Ramarajya of my dream ensures the rights alke of prince and pauper', (Gandhi)
(c) We have to admit that, under present circumstances, and so long as our policies are dominated by middle class elements, we cannot do away with communalism altogether'. (Nehru 1936)
(d) 'In no sphere of public activity in our country since Independence the hiatus between precept and practice, between policy pronouncements and actual execution, has been so great as in the domain of land reforms'. (Task Force on Agrarian Relations 1973)

6. Write a critical note on the more important theories and approaches in the field of comparative politics in terms of their contribution to the understanding of the non-western political process.

7. Discuss the problem of Center-State relations in India and its possible future development, clearly indicating bow in your opinion it can be constructively handled.

8. 'Democracy has not enabled the majority of poor people of grasp, and organized themselves utilizing, political power to advance their own interests’. (Gunnar Myrdal) Examine this statement and give your own analysis and assessment of the nature and outcome of the Indian experiment in democracy.

Paper - II- Political Science-1985 (Mains)


1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Colonialism as a phenomenon died after the 1960's.
(b) National interest is what the political elite of the country think it to be.
(c) The role of the ASEAN in international system.
(d) Balance of terror.

2. Examine the major characteristics of the present day international economic order. Which of its structural aspects have led to the demand for a new international economic order?

3. Discuss in depth the causes of the development of the new cold war. In what way does it resemble or differ from the cold war of the immediate post-Second World War Period?

4. 'The realist theory is the only useful tool of analysis for the understanding of the phenomena of international relations.' 'The so called realist theory does not seem to be realistic'. Which of these two views seems to you to be closer to truth?


5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) The meaning and significance of 'star war' in the US foreign policy strategy.
(b) The importance of Diego Garcia in American strategy.
(c) The Iran-Iraq War has not ended because no one is interested in ending it.
(d) The significance of Rajiv Gandhi's visit to the United States in June, 985, for promoting long-term Indo-American friendship.

6. What, in your view, are the major objectives of Soviet foreign policy? Does the Soviet politico economic system, help or hinder the achievement of these objectives?

7. What are the major changes which have taken place in Indian foreign policy since the death of Nehru? Do you see any major continuities in Indian foreign policy? Account for both the changes and continuities.

8. Examine the difference in the usage of the concept of peaceful coexistence in Chinese, Soviet and Indian foreign policy behavior. Would you say that the Chinese usage of the term is guided more by ideological considerations?