(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (1987)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (1987)
Paper-I- Political Science-1987 (Mains)
1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) '...No law or ordinance is mightier than knowledge." (Plato).
(b) "A prince... who desires to maintain himself must learn to be not always good, but to be so
or not as necessity may require" (machiavelli).
(c) ' It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a food satisfied." (J S. Mill).
(d) "The Communist Party is part of the working class its most progressive, most class conscious
and therefore, most revolutionary part." (Lenin).
2. "Behavioural studies are highly desirable to supplement other studies, but like all identifiable methodological approaches they are part of the whole study of Government and Politics." (Charles- Worth)-Comment
3. Machiavelli's work to the first example of the way in which science and secularism have developed together in the western world." Discuss.
4. Critically examine the nature and contribution of Behavioural and post-behavioural revolutions. Is it correct to describe them as revolutions?
5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Structural-Functional Approach
(b) Weber's views on Bureaucracy
(c) Contribution of M. N. Roy
(d) Anti-defection Law.
6. Discuss the nature of one-party dominant system under Jawaharlal Nehru and Shrimati Indira Gandhi. Do y a agree with the view that it has done more harm than good to India ?
7. Critically examine the relationship of Preamble, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy as determined by the judiciary in India
8. "Community and caste still threaten social harmony and political peace" In the light of this
statement, discuss the role of caste in Indian politics today.
Paper - II- Political Science-1987 (Mains)
1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Power as coercive and non coercive elements 'potential'.
(b) Prospects for isolationism in the contemporary world.
(c) Neo-colonialism.
(d) OAU as an important international actor
2. The term Cold War is now often used to denote the very process of east west conflict itself.' Identify in this context, the salient characteristics of the Cold War of the immediate post-Second World War period.
3. Review the major arguments of the Third World Countries in favour of restructuring of the International Economic Order.
4. 'Diplomacy today operates in a world in which the rival blocs are rent by ideological rifts and have only limited common interest.'
5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) ‘The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty as a grossly discriminatory treaty'.
(b) 'The Third World's special place in a block divided world.'
(c) The North-South ‘Dialogue’.
(d) Indo Soviet Relations during the Janata rule.
6. Explain the idea of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Pc-ace In what ways did the Seventh Summit of the Non-Alignment Movement pursue this idea ?
7. The Soviet Union has long planned for this military invasion of Afghanistan.. (New China News Agency.) Bring out the logic of this Chinese perception of Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.
8. 'We do not believe in the deterrent theory and (that) India would not make nuclear weapons even if Pakistan did so. (Smt. Indira Gandhi) Examine India's nuclear policy in the light of the above statement.