(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (2000)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (2000)

Paper-I- Political Science-2000 (Mains)


1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:

(a) “Until philosophers are kings. or kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, cities will neever have rest from evil”. (Plato)

(b) Power is an end in itself and he (Machievelli) inquires into the means that are best suited to acquire, retain and expand power, thus separates power from morality, ethics, religion and metaphysics. (Ebenstein on Machievelli).

(c) “I gives the name to every state that is governed by laws, no matter what the form of its administration”. (Rousseau).

(d) “State is a march of God on the Earth.” (Hegel).

2. The modern pluralist democracies have posed a great threat to the fabric of nation state. Discuss.

3. “Post-behaviouralism is not a negation of the behavioural revolution but only its corrective.” How does it seeks to raise the status of the discipline of political Science?

4. To what extent does the Rawlsian goal of achieving social justice depend on an overarching consensus among cultural, religious and ideological groups? (60)


5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:

(a) ‘Shared rule’ to be as important as ‘self rule’ in explaining the possibility of federal power sharing.

(b) Women empowerment in India and its impact on democracy.

(c) Corruption in Administration in India and its impact on socio-economic reconstruction.

(d) Caste and religion as operative factors with Indian policy.

6. What are the salient features of Sarkaria Commission Report as regard to federal restructuring in India with special reference to autonomy demand by states?

7. Critically evaluate Weber’s ideas on Bureaucracy and highlight the significance of the Weberian model from India’s point of view.

8. The role of Indian Prime Ministers in the federal system was always controversial. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer with apt examples. 

Paper-II- Political Science-2000 (Mains)


1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:

(a) Rethinking on sovereign state

(b) Information Technology – as element of national power

(c) Pan-Americanism

(d) The U.N General Assembly Millenium Summit (Sept. 2000).

2. “International politics, like all politics is a struggle for power.” Comment.

3. Do you agree with the stand that the Non-Alignment Movement needs to be reinvented?

4. Liberalization and Globalization are feared by the developing countries, as the Trojan Horses of the developed countries. Elucidate.


5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:

(a) The New International Economic Order

(b) Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE)

(c) Potentials of Non-conventional energy sources

(d) Summit Diplomacy

6. Examine the Israel-Arab conflict as a conflict of interest between the U.S.A and the Soviet Union.

7. ‘Is the reforms of the UN. India’s claim on the permanent seat in the Security Council is national and equally justifiable’. Elucidate.

8. ‘Indo-Pak relationship veers around the peaceful settlement of the Kashmir issue.’ Critically evaluate various alternatives for its solution.