(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (2001)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Political Science (2001)
Paper-I- Political Science-2001 (Mains)
1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Relevance of contextualist approach to the study of political theory.
(b) Polyarchy.
(c) Validity of the statement that most prominent among Gandhian principles are non-violence,
adherence to truth and dignity of labour.
(d) Constitution as a “power map”
2. Defence ideology. Critically examine the “End of Ideology” Debate.
3. What are the major components of Modern Indian Political Though? Examine then with reference to
Gandhi and M.N. Roy.
4. Critically examine Marxist theory of the state with reference to the dictatorship of the proletariat.
5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) The debate over judicial activism in India.
(b) Impact of disinvestment and privatization on planning in India.
(c) Concept of committed bureaucracy.
(d) Factors for the growth of regionalism in India.
6. Critically examine the impact of the national movement on the making of the constitution of India.
7. Indian democracy began with the unique advantages of an efficient civil service and a well organized
political party yet its record is dismal. What are the causes for such poor performance?
8. The women activists did not support Quota till 1974. What led to the subsequent change in their
Paper-II- Political Science-2001 (Mains)
1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) National interest and national peculiarities: A guide to foreign policy
(b) Nature of political process in the Third World.
(c) Cuban Missile as a factor in U.S relationship with the U.S.S.R.
(d) The compulsory jurisdiction clause under the statute of the International Court of Justice.
2. Identify some of the major issues challenging the North-South countries.
3. The Arab-Israeli conflict is basically a conflict between two resurgent nationalism.
4. “Moral claims of today becomes the human rights of tomorrow.” Trace the efforts in the
international protection of human rights in the twentieth century.
5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) India and Handung Conference: Hope and Reality.
(b) India and the U.N Peace-keeping Force.
(c) India’s opposition to the Non Proliferation Treaty: A realist paradigm.
(d) SAARC: Problems and Prospects.
6. Has the Non-Alignment Movement lost its relevance in the present day situation and how as India
has evolved its foreign policy goals to the changing international scenario?
7. Examine Pakistan as a factor in Indo-American relations during the Cold War.
8. Explain India’s role in global disarmament.