(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1970)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1970)
1. Explain in sociological terms how a caste system is incompatible with democracy.
2. In what significant ways are animal societies different from human societies?
3. What do you understand by socialization? Compare the processes of socialization of any two cultures known to yon.
4. Why is social change inevitable? Is it always progressive or beneficial?
5. 'The alarming growth of population, particularly in India and similar countries, is the greatest problem and must be solved by taking drastic measures.' Discuss this statement.
6. How does the breakdown of rules and customs help to create social problems?
7. 'Sociology emerged out of the problems and issues vital to nineteenth century Europe.' Discuss and expand this theme.
8. Distinguish between social system and social structure.
9. What do you understand by social values? Is revaluation of values vitally necessary for our progress?
10. Name three pre-industrial urban centres of India and compare their social structure with that of a modern city.
11. What do sociologists mean by group integration?
1. Discuss the present status and prospects of applied sociology in India, U.S.A., and U.S.S.R.
2. What are the limitations of the use of statistical methods in sociological research?
3. Attempt a definition and classification of crime. What do you understand by 'white-collar crime'?
4. 'Not only in technology and sciences but also in humanitarianism and/or social progress is India deeply indebted to Western thought and achievements.' Comment analytically and critically.
5. Explain the implications of the following statement: 'Social stratification is an outgrowth-though not an imperative consequence-of the broader process of social allocation or distribution.
6. Indicate the trends of change of the Indian family system under the influence of urbanism. In what respects are they suggestive of westernization?
7. Write an essay on social thought in the oral and written literature of your mother tongue.
8. Describe briefly the directives in our Constitution and their impact on our life and culture.
9. What are some of the important causes or sources of social change ? Illustrate your answer with Indian examples.
10. What are the functions of religion in the social order? It is possible to evaluate the functional efficiency of religion?
11. Mahatma Gandhi is often described as revolutionary. Examine this characterization in the light of the theory of social movements.