(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1977)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1977)


1. Discuss the nature and scope of sociology and explain its relationship with history.

2. Define culture and explain its influence in the shaping of human personality.

3. Discuss the population problems in India with particular reference to the politico-economic implications of population policy.

4. Distinguish clearly between the primary, secondary and reference groups. Illustrate your answer.

5. What is socialization? Explain briefly the role of different agencies in the processes of socialization.

6. Analyze the factors that have contributed to make India a strong kinship oriented society.

7. Do you agree that caste is based on co-operation and class on conflict? Examine the spheres of cooperation and conflict in the caste-class stratification in modern India.

8. Bring out the salient features of a traditional society in contrast to a modern society. In India a tradition-oriented society? Comment

9. Evaluate the scope and limitations of the programme of planned social change in contemporary India.

10. Explain the role of urbanization in bringing about social change in the developing societies.

11. Write notes on any three the following:

(i) Culture and civilization,

(ii) Environmental pollution.

(iii) Economic determinism.

(iv) Urbanism

(v) Family and religion.

(vi) Caste and politics in India.


1. Is the nature of the subject-matter of sociology a limiting factor in arriving at universal generalizations? Examine how natural sciences have an advantage over social sciences?

2. Bring out the significance of division of labour in society with special reference to the work of Emile Durkheim.

3. Maxweber and Karl Marx represent two different schools of thought with regard to the role of religion and the-rise of capitalism. Discuss.

4. What is functionalism? Discuss the scope and limits of functionalism.

5. Define states, role and role conflict. Explain their importance in understanding social structure with appropriate illustrations.

6. Analyze the factors responsible for structural functional changes in .the institution of family.

7. What is sampling? Discuss the main types of sampling and explain how stratified sampling fulfils scientific requirements.

8. Do you agree that caste is a public recognition of a private institution? Delineate the negative and positive role of caste in modern India.

9. Do you agree with the view that the rise of nationalism could be said to have given an impetus to casteism and communalism in India?

10. Have anchayati Raj institutions helped democratic decentralization of power and emergence of grassroot leadership? Evaluate the role and impact of panchayati raj on rural social life.

11. Discuss some of the important social reform movements in British India Analyze their impact on Indian social life.