(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1984)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1984) 

PAPER - I- Sociology-1984 (Mains)

1. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Report and objective in social science research.
(b) Alienation in developing societies.
(c) Change in sex roles and the socialization of children.
(d) Social aspects of industrial economic system.

2. Do you agree with the view that sociology can never be a science? What limitations need to be taken into consideration in the scientific study of social phenomena?

3. Discuss Max's concept of class, is class struggle inevitable for the elimination of inequalities and exploitation in the third world societies?

4. Analyze scientific theory of culture. Will the crisis in culture in the contemporary society facilitate the emergence of new man?


5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Ideal types and social analysis.
(b) Changing concept of property.
(c) Religious factor in economic development.
(d) Education and modernization.

6. Discuss family as a basic and fundamental social institution. Do you think the changing sex roles necessitate the replacement of family by another institution?

7. Explain the role of community power structure in the political decision-making processes in the society. Are power and authority getting broad based in India today?

8. Examine the relationship between social structure and social change. Has the Indian social structure facilitated or hindered the process of change?

PAPER - II- Sociology-1984 (Mains)


1. Write short notes on any three of the following is not more than 200 words each:
(a) Caste among the non-Hindus.
(b) Scheduled caste elites.
(c) The changing status of women.
(d) Dominant caste and the agrarian power structure.

2. What is the structural perspective on the caste system? Is it not an oversimplification to describe the system as a hierarchy of statuses based on the opposition of the pure and impure?

3. Describe the main characteristics of Jaimani system. Do you agree with the view that it is basically an institution of politico-economic dominance and dependence?

4. Discuss the social consequences of economic development in India Do you share the view that it has increased economic inequality and failed to promote social justice?


5. Write short notes on any three of the following more than 100 words each:
(a) The impact of democratization on the village community.
(b) The social background of poverty
(c) Rural-urban migration.
(d) The future of tribal culture.

6. Examine the role of caste as a pressure-group in contemporary Indian politics.

7. Trace the impact of urbanization on the Hindu family.

8. How far is tradition a barrier to modernization? Does not modernization take to form of traditionalization in India?