(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1995)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (1995) 

PAPER - I- Sociology-1995 (Mains)


1. Write short notes on any three' of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Methods of science and sociology
(b) Social class and social status
(c) Social fact
(d) Primary group

2. "Subjective perception of the objection reality prepares the context for the articulation of class antagonism." Evaluate this statements with reference to Karl Marx's contribution.

3. Bring out the strength and the weakness of Robert Merton's advancement over the classical functionalism.

4. Critically examine the role of formal and informal structures of bureaucracy in economic and social reconstruction of the developing societies.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Middle-range theories
(b) Role of culture
(c) Social disorganization
(d) Social consequences of economic development

6. What has been the impact of industrialization on family and kinship organization? Illustrate the significance of kinship organization in the industrial societies.

7. Elaborate the meaning of the term 'equality of educational opportunity'. Discuss education as a medium of cultural reproduction and social transformation.

8. Explain the classical concept of social change and critically examine the contribution of the linear theories of social change.

PAPER - II- Sociology-1995 (Mains)


1. Write notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Equality and social justice
(b) Agrarian social structure
(c) Industrialization and occupational diversification
(d) Social basis of trade unions

2. Explain the significance of empirical approach to the study of Indian society. How does the use of historical approach enrich empirical orientation?

3. Discuss the main problems of national integration in India and delineate the role of education in tackling these problems.

4. "Nuclear families grow into joint families and then break into nuclear families. The change from nuclear to joint and from joint to nuclear families is fairly frequent in India." Explain the changes in the structure and function of joint family in this context.


5. Write short notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Cultural and structural aspect of caste
(b) Faction in rural life
(c) Tribal integration
(d) Sanskritization

6. How far did the Community Development Projects help in realizing the goals of planned change? Examine critically.

7. It is often alleged that the social situation in India is not conducive to the efficient functioning of democratic polity. Comment

8. Discuss the salient features of urbanization in India. What steps would you suggest to tackle the negative aspects of urbanization?