(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (2001)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Sociology (2001)
Paper-I- Sociology-2001 (Mains)
1. Write short notes on any- three of the following (each note should not exceed 200 words) :
(a) Sociology as an interpretative discipline
(b) Manifest and latent functions
(c) Sources of legitimacy of power
(d) Emerging pattern of sex-roles in modern society.
2. Explain Karl Marx's conception of class-antagonism. How have the functionalists reacted to his views?
3. What is the focus of sociological analysis in the contributions of Emile Durkheim ? Give your answer with the help of any one of his contributions.
4. State the meaning and characteristics of an ideal type. What, according to Max Weber, is the use and significance of the 'ideal type' in social science research?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following (each note should not exceed 200 words) :
(a) Types of Exchange
(b) Incest taboo
(c) Informal structure of Bureaucracy
(d) Religion and Science.
6. Distinguish between the processes of formal education and socialization. Examine affectivity informal education as an instrument of social change.
7. What social conditions causes a social movement? Explain, with illustrations, the career of a social movement.
8. Define 'social policy'. Evaluate the performance of social policy in modernization of developing
Paper-II- Sociology-2001 (Mains)
1. Write notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) Caste and Indian polity
(b) Poverty alleviation programmes
(c) Impact of West on Indian society
(d) Agrarian class structure in India
2. Examine the role of Arya Samaj and Ramkrishna Mission on reform movements in India.
3. What factors are responsible for the instability of the Indian family? Will the family survive the present crisis in modern society?
4. What is meant by democratic decentralization ? Assess the working of Panchayati Raj in India.
5. Write notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Education and social mobility
(b) Satya Sadhak Samaj
(c) Privatization and globalization
(d) Social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction
6. Critically examine the existing welfare programmes for women in India. Have they benefited all sections of women in India?
7. Explain the concept of secular state and discuss the problems of India as a secular state.
8. Elaborate the concept of political elite. Explain how social structural origins of political elites
influence their political orientations.