(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Political Science (1995)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Political Science (1995)
Paper-I- Political science-1995 (Main)
1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) “Rule of law is better than rule of men”. (Aristotle)
(b) “The end of every man is continued success in obtaining those things which he, from time to
time, desires. (Hobbes)
(c) “Punishment should be preventive and corrective rather than retaliatory.” (Bentham)
(d) “The worth of a state, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it.”
(J.S. Mill)
2. Examine the fact-value dichotomy in political science. To what extent has post-behaviouralism resolved the conflict in the dichotomy?
3. Analyze the post-Marxian developments in socialist thought.4. Examine the pace of ‘obligation’ in political theory.
5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Representative bureaucracies
(b) Ethnic separatism
(c) Creamy Layer and social justice
(d) Politics of terrorism
6. The function of a legislature is not merely making of laws. What other functions are expected of a modern legislature?
7. Bring out the linkages between political culture and civic culture with special reference to India.
8. Illustrate from contemporary Indian experience the theory of circulation of elites.
Paper-II- Political science-1995 (Main)
1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Agenda before NAM
(b) Role of Ideology in International Relations
(c) OAU and conflicts in Africa
(d) Role of International Law in international cooperation.
2. “The traditional principle of sovereignty which plays a central role in the foreign policies of all states, is now increasingly counteracted by the growing facts of interdependence.....” Discuss.
3. “Form the start, the United Nations become a microcosm of world policies, with developments within the institution tending to mirror the atmosphere and happenings outside its walls.” Comment.
4. Analyze the unjust and hegemonic aspects of the existing international economic order and the factors which perpetuate such an order.
5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) India and the WTO
(b) Council for Security Cooperation in Asia pacific
(c) Russia and NATO
(d) Economic determinants of Chinese foreign policy.
6. Examine the issues raised in the context of renewal of NPT both by its advocates and its critics.
7. It is said that India bashing by its neighboring countries is directly or indirectly linked to their internal social conflicts. Explain with the help of development of Indo-Pak and Indo-Srilankan relations.
8. What, in your option, is the objective of the US policy in South Asia-status quo or peaceful change? Examine the strategies adopted by Washington in this regard.