(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Political Science (1996)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Political Science (1996)

Paper-I- Political science-1996 (Main)


1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) “Slavery is natural and beneficial both for the master and the slave.” (Aristotle)
(b) “No man can be deprived of his property without his consent”. (Locke)
(c) “The worth of a State, in the long run, is the worth of the individuals composing it”. (J. S. Mill)
(d) “Contradiction is the very moving principle of the world.” (Hegel)

2. Discuss the basic assumptions of behaviorism. In what way post-behaviorualism differs from behavioural theory?

3. “It is hard indeed to turn the Lockean doctrine into any kind of unqualified democratic theory.” (Mcpherson) Discuss.

4. Distinguish power from authority. How does reliance on authority affect the nature of power?


5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Proportional representation
(b) Swadeshi movement
(c) Kesavananda Bharathi Case
(d) Co-operative federalism

6. “The roots of India’s growing problems of govern ability are more political than socio-economic, that is, they are located in India’s political structure.” Discuss.

7. Examine in the light of India’s experience the Weberian concept of Charismatic leadership.

8. Analyze the problems of nation building in India.

Paper-II- Political science-1996 (Main)


1. Comment on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Role of idiosyncratic factors in foreign policy
(b) Technology and state sovereignty over water resources
(c) Intellectual Property Rights and free world trade
(d) US role in the OAS

2. “Realism as an approach to international relations helps to explain why states fight are threaten each other, but it is less effective in explaining much of the cooperative behaviour we see......” Comment.

3. Judged from the past UN does not held much promise to free the Third World from the clutches of neo-imperialism. Elucidate.

4. “Although transnationalism is an important force in contemporary world politics, it is premature to speak of the demise of the nation-state, given the continued attachment to nationalism felt throughout the world.” In the light of this statement discuss the role of nation state as an actor in international relations.


5. Comment on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) India’s claim to a permanent seat in the Security Council
(b) Hammas and peace in West Asia
(c) Prospects of a free trade area in South Asia
(d) Islamic factor in Indo-Pak relations.

6. Examine the changes in China’s India policy in 1990’s. Do you attribute these changes to the altered global environment or to the domestic factors?

7. Russian foreign policy is described as the “tyranny of the weak”. Explain how judiciously Russia has made use of her weakness vis-a-vis the West and USA.

8. Explain the differences between India and USA on the question of CTBT. Why has India decided to link CTBT with the elimination of nuclear weapon?