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(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Agriculture (1998)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Agriculture (1998)
1. Write short critical notes in about 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Inter cropping and mixed cropping
(b) Organic matter
(c) Potassium in crop production
(d) Acid soils reclamation
2. Agro-forestry is a promising alternative to the traditional cropping pattern. Discuss.
3. Discuss the weed menace in upland rice and suggest management methods.
4. Define and discuss the role of integrated nutrient management in Indian agriculture.
5. Write short critical notes in about 200 words each of any three of the following:
(a) Contour farming
(b) Drainage
(c) Price fluctuation
(d) Community development programme
6. Discuss importance and steps in farm planning.
7. How much agricultural technology has been transferred to the farmers? Discuss
8. Discuss systems and methods of irrigation in Indian agriculture.
1. Answer any three out of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Explain the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis
(b) Distinguish between RNA and DNA of a cell.
(c) What are Mendel's laws of inheritance? Explain briefly the principles of dominance.
(d) Explain in brief Chimera, Xenia and Metaxenia in plants.
2. Answer the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What is hybrid vigour? How is it beneficial in crop improvement? Give examples of hybrid
(b) What are dark and light reactions in photosynthesis?
(c) Differentiate in detail between photosynthesis and respiration processes.
3. Answer the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What are Gibberellins? How do they differ from auxins? Explain applications of GAS in
agriculture and horticulture crops.
(b) Compare between plant growth inhibitors and plant growth retardants with examples.
(c) Describe importance and origin of wheat and cotton and state hybrid cotton varieties in
cultivation in India.
4. Write short notes on any five of the following:
(a) Genetic code
(b) Back-cross
(c) Certified seed
(d) Genetic engineering
(e) Short day plants and Long day plants
(f) Tissue culture
(g) Plant pigments
(h) Seed dormancy
5. Answer any three out of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What is vermiculture? How does it differ from clean-cultivation of crops? Give advantages of
vermicompost application to crops.
(b) What are bacteria? How do they differ from fungi? Describe bacterial diseases of paddy, acid
lime and cotton with control measures.
(c) Explain damage done by blackstem rust of wheat, pigeon pea (arhar) wilt and sorghum
(jowar) grain smut with their control measures.
(d) What are biofertilizers ? Explain advantages of biofertilizers. Explain methods of using, and
advantages of Azotobacter, Rhizobium and Algae in crop cultivation.
6. Answer the following in about 200 words each
(a) What is the situation of export of fruits from India? Give examples of fruits and vegetables
varieties suitable for export.
(b) Describe propagation method, planting season and two methods of training of grape - vine
suitable for Thompson seedless variety.
(c) Describe pests and diseases of chilli with plan protection schedule followed in central India.
7. Answer the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What are nematodes? How do plant nematodes damage crops and trees? List out five
important nematod pests of crops and mention nematode management practices.
(b) Explain climate and soil requirements of sapota (chiku), santra (orange) and ber (jujube).
(c) Describe climate and soil requirements of wheat, sugarcane and rice (paddy).
8. Write short notes on any five of the following:
(a) Plant virus indexing
(b) Deficiency of vitamin A, vitamin B and iodine in human body
(c) Eco-friendly farming
(d) Greenhouse effect
(e) Green revolution
(f) Use of HNP virus in cotton plant protection
(g) Use of cultar in mango cultivation
(h) Characters of quality seed and safeguards for maintaining purity of seed.