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(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Agriculture (2000)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Agriculture (2000)
1. Write short critical notes in about 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Regulated Market
(b) Farm Budgeting
(c) Integrated Weed Control in Wheat
(d) Natural Resource Management
2. What is farm labour? Explain reasons for their low efficiency and write measures to improve the efficiency of the farm labour.
3. What is green revolution and its after effects on crop production? How can we make grey areas green to meet the challenges of food requirement for the increasing population of the country?
4. What are the limiting factors of production responsible in pulses and oilseed crops? Suggest suitable
steps needed to enhance their production in the country.
5. Write short critical notes in about 200 words each on any three of the following:
(a) Environmental Pollution'
(b) Classification of Herbicides
(c) Particle Density
(d) Phosphorus in Crop Production
6. Describe the role of nitrification inhibitors with mechanism of their working and suitable examples.
7. Define and differentiate between soil texture and soil structure. How do you determine soil texture? Give brief description of structural types with schematic drawings.
8. What is water erosion? Write its mechanism, soil loss equation and control measures.
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What were the reasons for Mendel's success in his genetic experiments? Explain how
Mendelian inheritance differs from cytoplasmic inheritance.
(b) What are different components of variation in a plant population? How do you calculate how
heritability using variance components? Explain how heritable variation can be created
(c) Explain with the help of a flow chart how backcross method of breeding can be used for
transfer of disease resistance controlled by a dominant gene. List the merits and limitations of
backcross method of breeding.
(d) Describe the part played by chlorophyll, carbon dioxide and light in the synthesis of
2. (a) Describe the climatic and soil requirements for 'be nana' cultivation. Mention the names of
popular varieties of banana. Explain how planting material is prepared for banana cultivation.
(b) Describe salient features of 'transcription' and 'translation' in protein synthesis.
(c) Describe briefly the biological methods of pest control in agricultural and horticultural crops
with suitable examples.
3. (a) Explain the significance of vegetables in human nutrition with suitable examples.
(b) What is sex-linked inheritance? How does it differ from Mendelian inheritance? Explain sex
determination in Drosophila.
(c) Write about the causative organisms, symptoms of damage and chemical control of the
following diseases:
(i) Dieback in citrus
(ii) Damping off in cauliflower
(iii) Sooty mould in mango
(iv) Anthracnose in grapes
4. Write short notes on the following :
(i) Paracentric inversion
(ii) Bio-pesticides
(iii) Vernalization
(iv) Molecular marker approach in plant breeding
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Distinguish between intra- and inter-specific hybridization. Explain the barriers encountered
during inter-specific hybridization and methods to overcome them.
(b) Differentiate between macro- and micro-mutations. Explain the role of mutations in crop
improvement with appropriate examples.
(c) What are auxins? Give their mode of action and explain their importance with reference to
horticulture in India.
(d) Describe with suitable diagrams the events and their significance during interphase, prpphase
and metaphase stages of Meiosis -I.
6. (a) What arc the factors contributing to low production of Fruits in India V What measures are
necessary to increase their production and productivity ?
(b) Describe the management of the following crop pests :
(i) Fruitfly in mango
(ii) Fruit borer in tomato
(iii) Red hairy caterpillar in groundnut
(iv) Stem borer in sugarcane
7. (a) What are the importance diseases of paddy? Name, the causative organisms of these diseases.
Give the management" schedule of these diseases.
(b) Distinguish incompatibility from sterility. Give classification of incompatibility. Explain the
significance of incompatibility in plant breeding with relevant examples.
(c) Define 'germplasm'. How do you maintain germplasm? List donor genetic resources for
various traits' being used for developing the new plant type in rice.
8. Write brief notes on the following ;
(i) Sex-limited characters
(ii) Combining ability
(iii) Phytoalexins
(iv) Non-aerobic respiration