(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1996)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1996)
1. Answer any three of the following (each in about 200 words) :
(a) Write in brief about chemical carcinogens. (20)
(b) Write briefly about the diseases caused by Epstein-Barr virus. (20)
(c) Discuss the calcium-phosphorus homeostasis in human body and disorders
associated with it. (20)
(d) Describe with diagrams the procedure of determining the sex from hair. (20)
(e) Classify general anaesthetics. Write about the theories of anaesthesia, root
of administration and important side-effects of the most commonly used
anaesthetic (20)
(f) Give a brief account of the nerves supplying the eyeball. (20)
(Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry)
2. (a) Describe the sequence of events during impulse transmission of
neuromuscular junction. How can neuromuscular junction be blocked? (20)
(b) Describe the reciprocal regulation of glycogen synthesis and its breakdown
in liver. (20)
(c) Describe the topographical anatomy of uterus. Give an outline of its
development. What are its common congenital anomalies? (20)
3. (a) Define hypoxia and classify its types. What are the
physiological factors causing hypoxia? Discuss the role of oxygen in each type.
(b) Explain why excessive intake of fat soluble vitamins is toxic as compared to
the water soluble vitamins. Describe the biochemical role of vitamin A. (20)
(c) Write short notes on:
(i) Right atrium of heart.
(ii) Synovial membrane. (20)
(Pathology & Microbiology)
4. (a) Define peptic ulcer. Write in brief about its patho-genesis and
histopathology. (30)
(b) Describe briefly about the pathogenesis of staphylococus aureus. (30)
5. (a) Classify carcinoma of the breast and write in brief
about histopathology of each type. (30)
(b) Define cholera. Describe briefly its epidemiology arid laboratory diagnosis.
(Pharmacology Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)
6. (a) Write the mechanism of action, side effects and therapeutic uses of
chloroqtiine. Describe its doses in clinical cure of malaria. (20)
(b) What are the indications, centra-indications and side effects of Vincristine
? (20)
(c) Describe the mode of action and therapeutic use of Rifampicin with doses in
adult patients. Mention its important adverse effects. (20)
7. (a) Define bruise. Describe the method of aging of bruise
and its medico-legal significance. (30)
(b) How will you confirm a stain to be of blood and determine its species origin
? (30)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following :
(a) Etiology and clinical features of Lobal Pneumonia (20)
(b) Buerger's disease (20)
(c) Manual removal of placenta (20)
(d) The indicators of maternal & child health services (20)
(General Medicine)
2. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, investigations and drug treatment of
Duodenal Ulcer. (60)
3. (a) Discuss the clinical features and management of a case of Pallet's
Tetralogy. (20)
(b) Discuss the drug treatment of Essential Hypertension. (20)
(c) Describe the clinical features and management of T.B. Meningitis. (20)
(General Surgery)
4. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of fracture of bones.
5. (a) Enumerate the various methods for the treatment of Renal stones. (20)
(b) Enumerate the various complications of peptic ulcer. (20)
(c) Enumerate the various etiological factors of oral cancer. (20)
(Obstetric and Gynecology including Family Planning)
6. List the risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. How will you manage a 25-year
old woman with ruptured tabal pregnancy? (60)
7. (a) Enumerate the causes of postmenopausal bleeding and discuss briefly the
management of any one of them. (20)
(b) What are the common causes of Breech Presentation? Write down the
contradiction to external caphalic version. (20)
(c) Enumerate different methods of contraception and mention the complications
of oral contraceptive pills. (20)
(Preventive and Social Medicine)
8. Describe the natural history of Poliomyelitis. How will you apply the
knowledge of levels of prevention for the eradication of poliomyelitis? (60)
9. (a) Describe the Modified Plan of Operation to control Malaria in an area
with API more than 2. (20)
(b) A 30-year old man has been bitten by a stray dog on his arm. How will you
manage the case? (20)
(c) Describe the steps of chlorination of a well. (20)