(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (2003)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (2003)
1. Attempt any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Describe broncho-pulmonary segments of lungs. Mention their clinical
importance. (20)
(b) Describe the development of Kidney. Mention the anomalies associated with
it. (20)
(c) What are the different mechanisms for regulation of body temperature? Why in
summer, when humidity of air increases the person feels more uncomfortable? (20)
(d) Explain the biochemical role of vitamins in the prevention of megaloblastic
anaemia. State their dietary sources. (20)
2. (a) Trace the pathway of pain and thermal sensations with the help of a
diagram. (20)
(b) What are the general features of parasympathetic division of autonomic
nervous system. Why is it known as 'anabolic division'? (20)
(c) Describe the formation of placenta and its anomalies. State the functions of
the placenta. (20)
3. (a) What is the normal percentage of reticulocytes in blood ? Mention the
conditions in which reticulocyte count increases, giving reasons. (20)
(b) Enumerate the hormones secreted by thyroid gland. What is the mechanism of
thyroid enlargement in iodine deficiency in diet? (20)
(c) What changes take place in the ovary, uterus, vagina and breast during a
menstrual cycle? (20)
4. (a) State the salient features of human DNA. Outline the steps involved in
the synthesis of eukaryotic DNA. Mention the major goals of human genome
project. (20)
(b) What is cardiac output? What are the factors affecting it? (20)
(c) Explain with the aid of flow chart, how metabolic pathways are integrated in
starvation. (20)
5. Attempt any THREE of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Describe aetiopaihology of hepatic cirrhosis. (20)
(b) What are 'OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTIONS'? Discuss the role of AIDS in the
emergence of opportunistic infections. Briefly describe the genesis and spread
of "Multi-Drug-Resistance" (MDR) tuberculosis in India. (20)
(c) Describe in short the significance of drug metabolizing enzymes. Mention the
consequences of microsomal enzyme induction. (20)
(d) Enumerate the tests performed for examination of suspected seminal strains.
Describe confirmatory tests for seminal stains. (20)
6. (a) What are precancerous disorders ? Describe precancerous disorders of the
gastrointestinal tract in short. (20)
(b) Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of infective diarrhoeas in children. What are
bacterial Resistance transfer factors (RTFs) and their role in the prevalence of
infective diarrhoeas. (20)
(c) Discuss the genesis of two important immune-complex diseases. What
serological tests will help to determine the pragnosis of the illness? (20)
7. (a) Discuss the therapeutic uses of p-receptor blocking agents. Mention the
advantages of cardio -selective p-blockers over non-selective blockers. (20)
(b) Classify benzodiazepines according to their prominent use. Discuss the
therapeutic uses and adverse effects of diazepam. (20)
(c) Discuss the antibacterial spectrum, therapeutic uses and adverse effects of
Ciprofloxacin. (20)
8. (a) Classify the degrees of burn injuries. Describe the postmortem
findings in a case of immediate death due to 100% burns by flame. (20)
(b) Classify the 'Organophosphorus compounds'. Describe the signs, symptoms,
diagnosis and management of acute malathion poisoning.' (20)
(c) Describe the features of the entry wound by a bullet fired, from a rifle.
Mention the differentiating features of an entry and exit would caused by a
rifled firearm. (20)
(General Medicine, Paediatrics and Dermatology)
1. Write as desired on any three of the following : (3 x 20 = 60)
(a) Outline drug treatment (name, dose, toxicity) of HIV infection.
(b) Enumerate causes of stroke in a 35 year old person. Enlist various
investigations to elucidate the cause.
(c) Mention clinical features of tubercular meningitis in a 6 year old child.
List the names of the investigations.
(d) Describe various lesions of post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis. Name the
drugs to treat the condition.
2. A 30 year old alcoholic male has come to casualty with haematemesis. Discuss
the differential diagnosis, list of investigations and management of such a
case. (60)
3. A 10 year old girl child has developed general anasarca, cola coloured urine
and blood pressure of 240/120 mm of Hg. Give differential diagnosis; mention
names of investigations and give an outline of management of this patient. (60)
4. (a) Discuss causes and treatment of common urticarias. (30)
(b) Mention various systematic symptoms and signs of progressive systemic
sclerosis (PSS). What are the diagnostic tests to confirm the PSS? (30)
5. Write short notes on any three of the following: (20 x 3 = 60)
(a) Choledochal cyst, types and management.
(b) Complications of supracondylar fracture of humerus
(c) Copper T
(d) Immunization schedule upto 18 months of a child as per Government of India
6. A 20 year old male presents with painful progressive swelling in the right
groin. Enumerate the causes. Describe the management of strangulated indirect
inguinal hernia. (60)
7. Enumerate the screening procedures for early detection of Ca-cervix. Discuss
the Papanicoleou test (PAP) test.
8. Name diseases which have been eradicated in India after Independence. Discuss
various epidemiological factors which help in eradication of a communicable
disease. (60)