(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (1996)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Medical Sciences (2006)
1. Attempt any three of the following: (3 x 20 = 60)
(a) Describe the development of FACE with the help of a diagram. Mention the
anomalies associated with it.
(b) Describe the gross anatomy of caecum and vermiform appendix. Add a brief
note on its applied anatomy.
(c) List the features of cerebellar lesions and their physiological basis.
(d) The protein molecular ultimately needed by a cell often differs from the
polypeptide chain synthesised. How is the chain modified to impart biological
activity? Describe with suitable examples.
2. (a) Give an account of blood supply of heart. Add a brief note on its applied
anatomy. (20)
(b) What is accommodation of eye? How is the eye accommodated for near vision?
Why does a person start having difficulty in reading after the age of 40 years
though the visual acuity is 6/6? (20)
(c) Describe the lymphatic drainage of Mammary Gland (Breast). Give an account
of its applied anatomy. (20)
3. (a) Name the hormones of posterior pituitary and their function. What will
happen in the deficiency of them? (20)
(b) Describe normal menstruation. Why is it absent during the first few months
of lactation? (20)
(c) What will be the consequences if a Rh -ve mother carries a Rh +ve fetus and
how can they be prevented? (20)
4. (a) Enumerate with suitable examples vitamin coenzymes involved in
oxidation-reduction reactions. Describe at least three vitamers. (20)
(b) Define sinus arrythmia. How is it produced and what is its clinical
significance? (20)
(c) Non-essential amino acid tyrosine is formed from phenylalanine. How does the
conversion take place and how is tyrosine utilised for the formation of
hormones? (30)
5. Answer any three of the following : (3 x 20 = 60)
(a) What is carcinogenesis? Classify carcinogens. Write in short about important
(b) Name various methods of acquisition of new genes in bacteria. Discuss in
detail mechanism of drug resistance in bacteria.
(c) Describe drug-receptor interactions. Discuss G-protein coupled receptor
mediated actions of drugs with suitable examples.
(d) How will you determine the rarjge of a firearm in case of fire from a
6. (a) Describe aetiopathogcnesis of glomerulonephritis in brief. Describe
different types of glomerulonephritis in short. (20)
(b) Discuss virus-host cell interactions and immunity in infection caused by
viruses. (20)
(c) Name various parasites causing anaemia. Discuss morphology, life cycle,
pathogenicity and laboratory diagnosis of Ancylostonm duodende. (20)
7. (a) Give examples of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Mention the
advantages and adverse effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors as
anti-inflammatory agents. (20)
(b) Discuss the therapeutic applications of immunosuppressive therapy. Compare
the actions of cyclosporine with glucocorticoids as immunosuppressive drug. (20)
(c) Discuss the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of calcium channel
blockers. Mention 'the advantages of dihydropyridines in the treatment of angina
pectoris. (20)
8. (a) How do you determine the-extent of burn ? What is the difference between
ante-mortem and postmortem burns? (20)
(b) How can you differentiate between hanging and strangulation? Discuss in
detail. (20)
(c) Discuss in detail various examinations done in the laboratory to identify a
blood stain. (20)
(General Medicine, Paediatrics and Dermatology)
1. Answer any three of the following:- (20 x 3 = 60)
(a) Define metabolic syndrome. Mention the names of diseases which individuals
with metabolic syndrome are susceptible to. Indicate the measures to overcome
this problem.
(b) A 12 year old child has been brought to emergency with high fever of 2 weeks
duration, abdominal discomfort and bleeding per rectum. Indicate the
differential diagnosis and list of investigations.
(c) Name important causes of CHF in a child. How would you investigate a child
with systolic murmur at apex.
(d) Classify Hansen's disease. Mention salient features of tuberculoid and
lepromatous leprosy. How would you treat multi drug resistant leprosy?
2. (a) Mention the diseases caused by chronic smoking. A 60 year old male, a
chronic smoker develops severe cough, dyspnoea and swelling in feet. Name the
differential diagnosis and approach to this case. (4+8+8)
(b) A 30 year old female has been brought in an unconscious state with pin point
pupil. Discuss the differential diagnosis of this case. How would you proceed to
achieve the correct diagnosis? (10 + 10)
(c) A 50 year old chronic alcoholic truck driver has developed severe
haematemesis. Indicate the diagnostic possibilities. How would you manage this
case? (10 + 10)
3. (a) An 8 year old child was brought with acute onset dyspnoea and found to
have continuous murmur in left parasternal region. Discuss the differential
diagnosis of this child. Name few important investigations. (15 + 5)
(b) A 6 year old boy has come to paediatric emergency with high fever, bleeding
gums, epistaxis and rashes over the leg. Discuss the probable diagnosis and
management. (10 + 10)
(c) Mention five characteristic fades observed in a child, describe facies of a
child born from an untreated hypothyroid mother. What drug you will prescribe to
this child ? (10 + 5 + 5)
4. (a) Mention common dermatological lesions associated with AIDS? (20)
(b) Enumerate various skin complications of diabetes. What is diabetic foot?
Briefly mention its pathophysiology. (10 + 5 + 5)
(c) Mention cutaneous manifestations of tuberculosis. Describe lupus vulgaris.
(5 + 15)
(General surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology including family planning
and preventive and social medicine)
5. Answer any three of the following :
(a) Write short notes on :
(i) Perinephric Abscess (10)
(ii) Colles Fracture (10)
(b) A 14 year old girl presents with pain in the right iliacfossa with vomiting.
What is the differential diagnosis? How will you reach the diagnosis and treat
her? Describe the steps of appendicectomy. (20)
(c) Write short note on Partographic management of labour. (20)
(d) What are the signs and symptoms of Lathyrism ? Discuss them very briefly.
6. (a) How will you investigate a case of Solitary Thyroid Nodule ? outline the
differential diagnosis and the plan of management. (20)
(b) What are the causes of liver abscess ? Discuss their clinical presentation.
How will you investigate and manage them ? (20)
(c) Describe the clinical features of ulcerative colitis. Enumerate its
complications and outline the plan of management. (20)
7. (a) How would you manage a case of bleeding pervaginum with pain abdomen at 8
weeks of gestation ? (20)
(b) Describe the causes of anaemia in pregnancy. How would you manage a case of
Dimorphic anaemia in Pregnancy. (20)
(c) Write short note on merits and demerits of Hormonal Contraception. (20)
8. (a) List the salient reasons for resurgence of Malaria: (30)
(b) Discuss the diagnosis and treatment of Malignant Malaria. (20)