(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1983)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1983)
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Discuss the problems relating to experimental design both in laboratory and field situations in
establishing cause and effect relationship. Does measurement in correlation studies provide
any help in indicating cause effect relationship?
(b) Evaluate the methods of study used in brain localisation.
(c) Examine the view that endocrine system is the basic key for understanding the total
(d) Cite experimental evidences in support of cognitive theory of emotion. Do you think it
explains the phenomenon satisfactorily?
2. Discuss the relationship between the various divisions of the autonomic nervous system, and their functions in an emergency situation.
3. Evaluate the effects of sensory and environmental deprivation on the development of animal and human abilities and behaviour based on experimental evidences. Does it affect the genetic potentialities of an organism ?
4. Elucidating the concepts of need, drive and incentive, discuss the problems involved in measuring
motives in human beings.
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Describe the nature and components of signal detection theory.
(b) Discuss the relationship between high intelligence and creativity in the light of the studies
made on the subject.
(c) Discuss the limitations in using conventional IQ Tests on unsophisticated and illiterate
population in India. Suggest corrective measures.
(d) How do you establish reliability and validity of a test? Does reliability guarantee validity?
6. 'We see things as we are, not as things are.' Elaborate the various implications of this statement.
7. Discuss the nature and kinds of reinforcement in learning process. Examine the different theories propounded by Psychologists to interpret the phenomenon of reinforcement.
8. What is concept learning? Describe the various factors affecting concept attainment. Does
Information processing model help in understanding conception formation better?
1. Attempt any three of the following. Each answer should not exceed 200 words:
(a) What light no neo-behaviourists throw on the problem of learning? Indicate briefly their
impact on personality theory.
(b) Examine the evidence offered be Gestalt psychologists to establish their concept of organised
wholeness of behaviour.
(c) "Among the determinants of personality development the biological and biochemical seems
to be supreme" Elucidate.
(d) "Contemporary psychological studies in India have among other things concentrated on
population .growth, economic development and socio-cultural deprivation." Explain.
2. "Actually there is no single S-R theory, but rather a cluster of theories all resembling each other more or less, but at the same time each possessing certain distinctive qualities like explicitness, economy of formulation and empirical anchoring." Discuss.
3. Evaluate the theories of Freud and Eysenck regarding the structure of personality. Indicate how far they have succeeded En explaining human behaviour.
4. Explain the use of W.A.I.S. and. the M.M.P.I. as diagnostic instruments. Do you think the Rorschach
could be a suitable substitute?
5. Attempt any three of the following. Each answer should not exceed 200 words:
(a) Bring out clearly the factors that influence social perception.
(b) 'By organisational climate we mean the personality of the institution.' Discuss.
(c) Describe the problem of learning disabilities of socially disadvantaged children. What
concrete steps can psychology provide?
(d) Briefly discuss the role of educational institutions as instruments of socialisation and social
6. Define attitude. How are attitudes formed? How can we change attitudes? Explain in the light of suitable theories with illustrations.
7. 'Psycho-analytic therapy tries to help the patient attain self-knowledge, self-control and maturity. Behaviour therapy is the use of experimentally established principles of learning for the purpose of changing un-adaptive behaviour.' Discuss.
8. Discuss the nature of effective leadership in an organization with special reference to Indian situation.