(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1984)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1984)
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Examine how the central care, the lymbic system and the outer core of the human brain
constitute a complex system that maintains the integrity of the organism.
(b) Evaluate the genetic study of genius.
(c) Describe perception of movement and depth.
(d) Critically examine the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion.
2. Describe the different approaches to the study of psychology. Do you think by applying scientific methods the view points of various approaches can be reconciled in understanding the different aspects of living organism -both animal and human?
3. Do you agree with the view that heredity and environmental influences constitute an interactional end-product of complex mainfolds of many specific influences? Indicate in this context evidences based on studies on animals and human beings.
4. It is suggested that the biological requirements of man are of much less importance in behaviour than
are his psychological needs. Examine this point of view. Describe the various psychological needs.
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Evaluate the views of Jensen and Piaget on intelligence.
(b) Describe the steps involved in construction and standardisation of psycho-metric tests.
(c) Examine the findings of sex differences in aptitudes and explain the reasons for the
differences, if any.
(d) Evaluate the problems of Validation of General Intelligence Tests with reference to Cross
Cultural data.
6. Explain with suitable experimental evidences that the failure to remember is basically an interference phenomenon.
7. Describe the processes and factors involved in operant conditioning. Illustrate how certain types of daily behaviour can be brought under control through operant conditioning.
8. Distinguish thinking as a problem-solving behaviour from sensory motor learning. Discuss the role
of 'set' in thinking.
1. Attempt any three of the following (each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Discuss the essential features of field theory in psychology.
(b) Do you agree with the view that psychology in India has reached a take-off stage? Justify.
(c) Elaborate the behaviourist's views on individual's freedom and responsibility.
(d) Explain the different techniques of measuring anxiety.
2. State the problem of reinforcement in modern learning theory in its various aspects. What is your assessment of the role of positive reinforcement in learning?
3. Evaluate critically the Rogerian theory of personality.
4. Explain critically the studies of emergence of communal prejudice in children, with special reference
to studies in Indian context.
5. Write short answer to any three of the following (each not exceeding 200 words):
(i) What is the relation of n-achievement motive to socio-economic development?
(ii) In the context of relevant studies, discuss the nature of effective leadership in organizations.
(iii) Describe some studies on need for affiliation and need for power. How are the two needs
related? Discuss.
(iv) Explain any one :
(a) Psychophysiology of schizophrenia
(b) Personality types and deviant behaviour
(c) Deprivation in early childhood and mental development.
6. Make as exhaustive a list as possible of current psychotherapeutic techniques. Evaluate Gestalt therapy.
7. Summarise the contemporary trends in North American Psychology.
8. Discuss the importance of intellectual and non-intellectual factors underlying school achievement.