(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1987)

IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1987)


1. Answer any three-of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What are the steps in Scientific Method? Considering these steps how far do you justify the place of Psychology in Science? Give your comments with examples from the subject matter of Psychology.
(b) Discuss the localization of functions in the brain with particular reference to memory functions as propounded by Brodmann.
(c) Describe signal detection theory and explain how it proposes an improvement over classical Psychological Physics.
(d) 'Pituitary gland is the master gland.’ In light of this statement narrate the functions of pituitary gland.

2. Discuss the salient features of field experiment in psychology. Illustrate how, you would plan to conduct a field experiment on any Psychological problem of rural India.

3. Discuss the statement: 'Heredity sets the limits and environment provides opportunities to reach that limit.' In your discussion cite important studies on families, on twins, and on foster home children.

4. Discuss the physiological bases of any two biogenic motives.

5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Explain briefly the nature of discrimination and generalization processes. Illustrate a typical experiment in respect of each of these processes.
(b) Discuss the paradigms of transfer of training giving suitable examples. How do you distinguish between the term transfer of training and transposition?
(c) Why is the index of validity of a test generally of a lower range in comparison to its reliability? Explain the models of establishing Validity of an intelligence test.
(d) What is the concept of 'Concept'? Discuss any model of concept learning.

6. Citing some important studies, discuss the motivational determinants of Perception. Elucidate the electrical field theory to explain visual figural after effect.

7. Discuss the behaviouristic interpretation of the process of problem solving with the help of suitable experiments. How does the behaviouristic interpretation differ from that of the Gestalt view?

8. Explain the term intelligence Viz-a-viz creativity. Discuss different factorial theories of intelligence along with you own evaluation of these theories.

1. Write short notes on any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) "behaviourism was a necessary protest but it hit beyond the mark' Discuss.
(b) What do you understand by psychosomatic disorders? Explain the aetiology with special reference to gastrointestinal or respiratory system.
(c) Explain the appearance of different schools of psychology. How can it reconcile with the claims of psychology to be a science?
(d) 'Using protective tests for the assessment of personality is an exercise in futility' Do you agree? Illustrate your answer with TAT or Rorschach test,

2. Briefly discuss the contributions of Neo-Freudians and show how they differ from classical psychoanalysts.

3. Compare and contrast the theory of personality propounded by Rogers and Erikson.

4. Discuss the dimensional approach to personality & show how far this has helped in the scientific assessment of personality.

5. Attempt any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) From the point of view of community mental health for all by AD 2000 work out a project for mental health in our country.
(b) Evaluate the efficacy of behaviour therapy in the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.
(c) Explain the role of motivation in economic development citing studies made in India.
(d) How are attitudes formed? Can they be modified or changed? Explain with special reference to conditions obtaining in our country.

6. Give a descriptive account of leadership in an .industrial establishment. Discuss the role of the leader in group rivalries.

7. 'Education is a process of socialisation and social change. Discuss the steps taken by the national government for the socially disadvantaged groups.

8. Examine the relation of prejudice to self-regard and confirmity. Do you agree with Gordon All port's view that prejudiced attitudes may serve as psychological crutches for those crippled in the encounter of life?