(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1990)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1990)
1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What are the essential criteria for conducting a true experiment? Explain by giving a suitable
(b) "Operational definitions of learning facilitate scientist's activity." Discuss.
(c) How does signal detection theory differ, classical psychophysics? Discuss,
(d) Point out the main differences in the approaches of Western and Vedantic theories of
2. Though the model of Hebb has many shortcomings in the field of perception and certainty cannot be called a satisfactory general theory, it probably goes further in suggesting the way towards such a theory than do other conceptions that lack its denotational clarity and boldness of design?" Discuss.
3. As you observe people about you, are you able to determine differences in their ability to do abstract, mechanical and social tasks? How would you investigate mechanical and social intelligence? How would the knowledge of these factors serve as an encouragement to children who do not possess high abstraction ability?
4. Tendency to succeed is a multiplicative function of motive to achieve success, probability of success
and incentive value of the goal. Discuss.
5. Differentiate any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Field experiment and field study.
(b) Thurstone and Likert attitude scales.
(c) Roger’s concept of the fully functioning person and Maslow's notion of self actualization.
(d) Convergent and Divergent thinking.
6. Explain the characteristics of pre-existing attitudes as factors in attitude modification.
7. The human infants of different societies are biologically similar and born a social. It is the culture that makes them different and social. Elucidate with reference to the process of socialization. Give suitable examples.
8. Critically examine the human problems in aviation and space flight.
1. Answer any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Critically examine the view that Intelligence scores very depending on various socio cultural
differences of the subjects tested. Evaluate the status of reliability and validity of these tests
as predictive instruments.
(b) The same fire which melts butter hardens steel! Explain this phenomenon in the Context of
frustration and stress resolution in personality development with examples.
(c) What are the characteristics of neurotic and psychotic depressions? Do you think the lines of
treatment should be similar in both?
(d) What are the different forms of group therapy? Does it exclude behaviour therapy from its
process of insight development?
2. Discuss the motivational determinants of effective job performance. Do individual differences in respect of job satisfaction play a significant role in job performance?
3. How do socio-economic disadvantages adversely affect the cognitive development of children in early years of growth? Suggest ameliorative and compensatory educational measures to modify these deficiencies. Indicate the critical period concept in this context.
4. Examine the various ethnic and communal prejudices which operate against the forces of national
integration in India. How do you plan a programme of education and propaganda media leading to
healthy national integration?
5. Answer any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Different leadership styles determine the nature and quality of group management. Discuss.
(b) What are the motivational and attitudinal components of change proneness? Draw up a
programme of change to enhance and strengthen this property in people.
(c) What is Entrepreneur syndrome? How do environmental and family set-up determine the
emergence of this syndrome?
(d) Discuss how achievement motivation depends on socioeconomic and personality factors. Can
achievement motivation be improved & strengthened?
6. What is mental retardation? Discuss the genesis of different types of mental retardation. Suggest measures for this rehabilitation.
7. Discuss how information management, with a view to facilitate effective communication in a democratic set-up is primarily the responsibility of various mass media. What should be the role of Government and leadership in this process?
8. Examine the view that alchoholism and drug addiction is basically a part of disorganised personality syndrome established in home setting. Suggest measures to arrest this process of personality disorganisation.