(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1995)

IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1995)

1. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) What do you mean by the S-O-R paradigm?
(b) What is culturally conditioned behaviour? Give examples.
(c) Is reminiscence a fact or a misnomer? Answer with relevant findings in support,
(d) Explain covergent and divergent thinking.

2. Describe the essential features of an experiment in psychology giving suitable examples. Discuss the limitations of the experimental method.

3. Evaluate critically the contribution of the Gestalt school to the development of psychology as a science with special reference to the study of perception.

4. Give an adequate description of the classical and the operant conditioning situations and compare them with respect to the nature of reinforcement and the kind of responses that are learned.

5. Explain any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Factorial approach to the study of personality
(b) Stages in language development
(c) Sensory deprivation and its effects on behaviour
(d) Man as viewed from the standpoint of humanistic psychology

6. Explain the G and the S factors in intelligence. Describe one test each known to you for measuring the G factor and the S factor.

7. Discuss the need-hierarchy theory and comment on its relevance and utility today in understanding human behaviour.

8. What are attitudes? Can they be changed? Explain the characteristics of the source of message which strongly affect one's response to any attempt at changing attitudes.

1. Answer any three questions of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) What is the basic principle of psycho-dynamic approach in handling behaviour disorder? Does it equally qualify as other kinds of therapeutic techniques?
(b) What are the components of leadership training? Discuss the limiting and facilitative factors in leadership training for a public sector industrial set-up in India.
(c) Describe the chief characteristics of a small group with a special reference to the quality of interpersonal interactions and relations.
(d) Discuss the various psycho-social process of socialisation. Indicate the importance of home in this process.

2. What is the rationale behind use of psychological tests? Critically examine reliability and validity, of such tests, and their interdependence.

3. Evaluate the psychological and behaviouristic theories of neurosis. Do you think, the therapies suggested by both the groups are inclusive of each other ?

4. Examine the phenomenon of resistance of change. Explain the factors involved therein affecting social change in relation to productive processes of a community and suggest possible remedies.

5. Answer any three of the following {Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Do you think, ail low achievers in school are mentally retarded? How are the low achievers actually identified? Suggest training programme for the mentally retarded.
(b) Discuss how achievement motivation is an essential component of entrepreneur syndrome. Draw up a programme of creating achievement motivation in rural people.
(c) Do you agree with the view that urbanisation creates greater problems for the aged? Give reasons. Suggest measures to handle their psycho-social problems.
(d) What do you understand by information overload? Discuss the psychological factors involved in information management.

6. Discuss the various psychological and pedagogical factors which cause cognitive deficiency in early childhood period. Do Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe children come under this category? Draw up a compensatory educational programme for such children with a view to bring them to the mainstream.

7. What are the various components of dynamic social integration? Describe the various psycho-social factors which hamper proper social integration in India. Suggest remedial measures.

8. Describe the various psycho-social factors which contribute to communication gap. Illustrate your answer from a public sector industrial organisation as well as a Govt. Department. How would you overcome communication gap?