(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1996)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (1996)
1. Explain any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Maturation and learning as determinants of behaviour. Give suitable examples
(b) Nature of and theory underlying programmed learning and its implications for teaching.
(c) Relationship between emotions and perception with special reference to perceptual defence.
(d) Theory-testing vs Theory-developing research.
2. How is psychological measurement different from measurement in physical sciences? Giving appropriate Illustrations, distinguish clearly between psycho-physical and psychometric measures.
3. Explain the rationale in using perception as a medium for studying personality. Cite major findings of research in this area.
4. Discuss the information-processing approach to the study of memory. How does it differ from other
approaches? Describe the three interacting systems of memory implied in the approach.
5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) How do values motivate human beings? Answer giving suitable examples from research.
(b) Can computer ever acquire human-like ability to think, remember and solve problems?
Discuss fully with illustrations.
(c) How are intelligence and creativity interrelated?
(d) Between brain-maturation and reinforcement, which one offers a more satisfactory
explanation of language acquisition?
6. Give a complete psychoanalytic account of human motivation. Is it adequate, in your opinion?
7. Briefly, describe various projective measures of personality. Evaluate each of them.
8. What do you mean by altered states of consciousness? Describe the ways in which they can be
1. Answer any three questions of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Describe the chief features of group therapy and also mention the neurotic behaviour on
which it can be used.
(b) How can personality affect the formation of prejudices?
(c) When does a group become a crowd? Any why?
(d) Is work culture an essential component of effective work motivation? Discuss its operation in
public and private industrial set-up in India.
2. Discuss the different types of psychological tests. Are the results obtained in different areas of testing equally scientific and dependable? Suggest measures for ensuring their reliability and accuracy.
3. What are the typical psychophysiologic disorders caused by anxiety and stress? Give your reasons for the same.
4. Why is social change necessary? Keeping the present state of affairs in India, What steps would you
take to plan social change?
5. Answer any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Can a normal school handle gifted as well as retarded children with equal justice?
(b) Discuss the role of mass media with a special reference to television in spreading the idea of
consumerism in India,
(c) How would you differentiate psychological consequences of disadvantage and deprivation?
(d) Discuss the psychological and social factors behind effective communication.
6. What are the major components of prejudice? Discuss the factors which generate and strengthen prejudice with special reference to the Indian scene.
7. Discuss the effect of rapid technological advances on psychological and social behaviour of Indian youth from rural and urban areas.
8. Discuss how alcoholism, drug addiction and various kinds of crime are the symptoms of basic social disorganisation. Suggest ameliorative and rehabilitation measures.