(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (2001)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (2001)
1. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Describe the basic assumptions of regression analysis and explain what happens when these
assumptions are violated.
(b) Describe the decision rules employed by an individual for maximizing his gains. Also explain
the uses of ROC curves.
(c) Explain why is the humanistic perspective called the third force in psychology.
(d) Discuss the role of vicarious reinforcement in social learning and modelling.
2. Describe the process of emergence of self-concept during late childhood. Citing suitable illustrations from Indian social milieu explain the impact of child rearing practices on the emergence of selfconcept.
3. Discuss the characteristic features of perception and bring out the significance of redundancy and feature detectors in it.
4. Present a critical appraisal of stage versus process models of memory and citing suitable studies
show how elaborative processing and self-generation improve memory.
5. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Explain the concept of problem space and describe the methods in solving multi-step
(b) "Erikson's theory of psycho-social development parallels Piaget's theory of cognitive
development." Elaborate.
(c) Is it correct to state that the theoretical conceptualization of achievement motivation is not
adequate enough to describe the economic development of India?
(d) "Contemporary research has done much to inform us about the dark kingdom of
sleepwakefulness." Comment
6. Describe the three-level hierarchical model of cognitive ability as followed in the fourth revision of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Is it necessary to administer all subtests of the fourth revision of Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale on any one subject? Discuss.
7. Elaborate the statement that James's theory of emotion, followed by its criticism by Cannon, stimulated a great deal of empirical research while Lange's theory of emotion influenced the activation theories of emotion.
8. Citing experimental evidences discuss how social learning, social comparison and genetic factors
influence formation of attitudes. Also explain how trivialisation reduces cognitive dissonance.
1. Answer any three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words):
(a) Mention different types of psychological tests and discuss their uses, misuses and limitations.
(b) Discuss the special features of schizophrenia and describe the clinical picture in
(c) Explain the concept of personality and character development Discuss the role of value
education for personality and character development.
(d) Discuss the significance of social support programs. Mention the role of community
psychologist in social change.
2. Describe the nature and vital role of behaviour therapy in modern clinical treatment of mental disorder. Critically evaluate its effectiveness.
3. "Human Resource Development is a continuous process to develop human capabilities and potentialities to achieve personal and organizational goals." Give your comments.
4. Explain the need of prevention in mental health system. Describe Caplan's three-fold model of
5. Answer any three of the following. (Each answer should not exceed 200 words) :
(a) Discuss some psychological characteristics of socially deprived people and mention steps to
be taken for the upliftment of socially deprived.
(b) What is prejudice? Describe the methods for reducing prejudice and facilitating social
(c) Evaluate critically the relative effectiveness of mass media for distance learning.
(d) Describe traumatic reactions to military combat and discuss in detail psychological factors
contributing to stress.
6. Critically evaluate McClefland's achievement motivation theory with reference to Indian women entrepreneurs.
7. Differentiate the environmental features of single and multiple dwellings. Describe how residential environment affects social behaviour of people.
8. Discuss the psycho-social factors contributing to terrorism in India. Suggest strategies to eliminate terrorism.