(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (2002)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Psychology (2002)
1. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) 'Attention develops from unfocussed scanning to focussed planfulness. Discuss giving
illustrative examples.
(b) Is subliminal perception a myth or a reality ? Answer citing relevant experimental evidence.
(c) 'Psychology is called a science not because of its subject matter but because of the scientific
method used in studying its subject matter.’ Write a detailed explanatory note.
(d) Evaluate questionnaire as a tool for collecting data for psychological research. Offer
suggestions for increasing its utility as a research tool.
2. What is observational learning? How does it differ from other forms of learning? Give three examples to explain its nature.
3. Can human memory be improved? If yes, what techniques would you recommend? Explain how each technique proposed by you can bring about improvement in memory.
4. Discuss fully the relative roles of genetic and environmental factors in determining human
behaviour. Cite findings of related studies in support of your answer.
5. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Explain and evaluate the view that hypnosis represents 'dissociated experience and
dissociated control.'
(b) Is aggression an innate tendency or an externally elicited behaviour? Answer with suitable
examples to substantiate your view.
(c) State and critically evaluate Slobin's cognitive theory of language development.
(d) Describe in detail the Thurstone's method of scale-construction.
6. What is emotional intelligence? Has it revolutionized our knowledge of human abilities? Describe the method of measuring it.
7. 'Human behaviour is elicited by expectations of desirable outcomes.' Discuss this statement to bring out the cognitive aspects of human motivation.
8. Elucidate Rogers' concept of a fully functioning person'. Indicate the importance of self- concept and
anxiety in his account of human personality.
1. Answer an" three of the following (Each answer should not exceed 200 words) :
(a) Elucidate the nature of individual differences. Describe the methods of validity and
(b) Describing the important features of client centered therapy, present the similarities and
differences between psychoanalytic therapy and client centered therapy.
(c) Discuss the various conditions under which the teaching-learning process occurs. Defining
learning styles indicate how knowledge of learning style of student would contribute to more
effective teaching-learning process.
(d) Enumerate the importance of Personnel Selection and Training in Industries. Describe the
more commonly used psychological tests in personnel selection and evaluation of training
2. Discuss critically the ethical issues involved in the construction and use of psychological tests.
3. Compare Cognitive Therapies and Behaviour Therapies. Present behaviour therapy as a method of treatment for anxiety disorders.
4. Discussing the various programme towards prevention of mental disorders in the society, present in
detail the role of psychologists in rehabilitating the mentally ill persons.
5. Answer any three of the following: (Each answer should not exceed 200 words)
(a) Elucidate the concept of "Social Integration". How would you use this concept in bringing
about unity amongst people of different castes, religion, language and class in India?
(b) Trace the developments in the emerging field of sports psychology.
(c) Enumerate the important characteristics of entrepreneurial behaviour. Describe the test you
would use to identify the entrepreneurial qualities in a person.
(d) What are the important indicators of environmental degradation? What measures would you
suggest to prevent and arrest this degradation?
6. Discuss critically the benefits of distance learning. How would you use Information Technology and Mass Media for bringing about 100% literacy in India through distance learning?
7. Critically enunciate the use of psychological counselling in assisting personnel to adjust to the military life.
8. What are the consequences of population explosions? How can psychologists help in motivating the public to adopt "small family" norm?