(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Public Administration (1982)
IAS Mains Previous Years Paper : Public Administration (1982)
1. Comment of any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Explain Motivation Hygiene theory of Hertzberg, with examples from Indian
situation, so as to clearly bring out the factors which motivate, and also
factors which neither demotivate nor motivate.
(b) What is Managerial Grid? What does it emphasize? What is its importance?
(c) State the utility of National Income analysis for business forecasting. Give
examples. -
(d) Describe the role of Decision Tree in decision-making with appropriate
2. How will you proceed to design the organizational structure of a large-sized
Indian Joint-stock Company? Which of the organization theories will you like to
rely upon for the purpose?
3. Narrate the applications of Linear Programming for decision-making in an
industrial organization. Also list the limitations
4. It is said that cost calculation for decision purpose is full of difficulties
and therefore extremely complex function Do you agree? Give reasons.
PART I (Marketing Management)
5. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Marketing mix is only a different name given to marketing strategy Comment.
(b) Enumerate the decisions required for branding a product Is branding a social
evil? Why or why not?
(c) What are the functions of distribution channels? What of these functions
should be and are being discharged by Public Distribution System in India?
(d) How should a manufacturer of a consumption good go about pricing his product
assuming that his market share is 70%?
6. (a) Does environmental change affect the marketing plans of a manufacturer?
Explain in the context of rural and urban marketing in India.
(b) What kind of information must be collected and what decisions should taken
before one starts exporting his product?
7. Textile Mills in India often employ company salesmen to call on retailers
although they use wholesalers to reach retail outlets and also have their own
retail shops. Why do they do so?
PART II (Production and Materials Management)
8. Answer any three of .the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) It is the scale of operations which always indicates whether a manufacturing
system is to be continuous or intermittent. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
(b) Does quality control help cost reduction in any way?
(c) Is it necessary that Economic Order Quantity and A or B or C class items of
inventory be reviewed by management from time to time? Give reasons.
(d) Explain the role of simulation in production planning.
9. (a) How will you proceed to balance an assembly line? Give an example.
(b) State the uses of Queuing Theory in the context of production management
10. Explain step by step procedure for plant design.
PART III (Financial Management)
11. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Why should shareholders and creditors of a company be concerned with
leverage ratios? Suitably illustrate.
(b) Describe the role of India in the sphere of Industrial finance in India.
(c) Appraise the dividend policy of a company which, since 1980, has been
earning nearly Rs. 20 per share, Rs. 10 paid up and declaring 20% dividend.
Quoted value of share in the market is Rs. 80.
(d) Companies interested in raising funds through debentures or new equity
issues often announce that they will apply for listing on a stock exchange. Why
do they do so?
12. How does the financial structure of a company affect the cost of capital?
13. Explain the procedure and criteria for taking decisions regarding investment
PART IV (Personnel Management)
14. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) What are the elements of well-developed personnel policies? Are the policies
(b) Outline a training programme for managerial personnel relevant to Indian
(c) Payment of Bonus in India is an incentive. Comment.
(d) Discuss the merits of promotions vis-à-vis new appointments for manning top
management vacancies.
15. Discuss the pros and cons of Collective Bargaining.
16. (a) Will workmen’s participation in management mitigate industrial unrest?
Give your views.
(b) Narrate the main provisions of Indian Factories Act.
1. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) “Administrative practices and managerial techniques enable the various
organizations of a society to fulfill their responsibilities and to execute
their programmes.’
(b) ‘Bureaucracy is an instrument for societal sing relations of power.’
(c) ‘The separation of administration from politics is not possible.’
(d) ‘Whitley Councils are functional imperatives.’ (Gladden).
2. (a) ‘Theories of organization serve as guidelines to the management.’
Explain with illustrations.
(b) ‘Delegation is less flexible than deconcentration.’ Explain.
3. (a) ‘Throughout the whole field of management the military type of
organization should be abandoned and what may be called the functional type
substituted in its place.’ (Taylor). Examine.
(b) ‘The essential ingredient of successful administration and effective
management in modern society is an efficient system of personnel management.’
(Dimock). Discuss.
4. (a) ‘Performance budgeting is a handmaid of business management.’
(b) Discuss some of the more important O and M techniques of administrative
5. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each
(a) ‘Planning is a centralized process that erodes the federal structure.’
(b) ‘The political executive in India demoralizes the permanent executive.’
(c) ‘Recruitment to Central Civil Services in India goes in favour of
well-to-do people.’
(d) ‘Public Undertakings in India suffer loss because of extravagant
6. (a) ‘Parliamentary control over Five-Year Plans is a myth.’ Examine.
(b) ‘Secretariat organization is a burden on the taxpayers lacks
accountability for failure of policy execution; and is a symbol of ivory tower
administration in India.’ Discuss.
7. (a) ‘Finance Ministry’s control over public expenditure is
unproductive.’ Discuss with the help of illustrations.
(b) ‘NDC’s role in plan formulation is that of shadow boxing’. Discuss.
8. (a) ‘Generalists are impediments to targets attainment in a development
administration.’ Discuss.
(b) ‘There is a need for an Administrative Tribunal attached to each Ministry
with judicial powers to redress grievances of citizens against the decisions of
the Ministry.’ Examine.