(Paper) IAS Questions on World Trade Organization
IAS Questions on World Trade Organization (WTO)
1. How many members are there today?
2. Which one is the last country to
3. Which Polynesian country was
approved for membership in the WTO in the Hong Kong Ministerial in 2005?
4. Mention two subsidies that are not
limited by the Agreement on Agriculture?
5. What are the four modes mentioned in
the General Agreement on Trade in Services(GATS) of the WTO and in which of the
four modes does India have special interest?
6. Mention the Ministerials of the WTO
that have been held since the emergence of the WTO in 1995, chronologically?
7. Mention in one line: Was Cancun a
success or failure?
8. Multi Fibre Arrangement (MFA) was
replaced by what in 2005? Why?
9. Differentiate between safeguard duty
and anti-dumping duty.
10. What is the multifunctionality role of agriculture and which subsidy derives support for it?