(Paper) ICICI Bank Probationary officer Programme
: ICICI Bank Probationary officer Programme
CICI Bank is commencing 3rd Batch of ICICI Bank Probationary officer Programme in November 2008. Written Test & Interview is likely to be conducted across India in Aug-Sept 2008.
Probationary Officer Programme is an initiative by ICICI Bank to attract bright graduate students to pursue a career in banking. It is designed to develop specialists with banking knowledge and skills to partially fulfill the future need of trained bankers .
Those selected will undergo a one year intensive residential classroom training and internship in the following areas: Corporate Banking, Private Banking, Risk and Credit Management, Treasury, Branch Management, Relationship Management
The training programme will commence in November 08 at ICICI Bank Manipal Campus. During the training, a stipend will be given to candidates to meet out of pocket expenses. On successful completion of the program they will be absorbed as Assistant Manager.
Eligibility Criteria for Test: Graduates with 55% in any discipline. Up to 25 years of age as on November 1st, 2008 (should have been born on or after November 1, 1983).
Last date of registration: July 31, 2008.