(Paper) IES Indian Economic Previous Year Paper (2002)
Paper : IES Indian Economic Previous Year Paper (2002)
Candidates should attempt any FIVE parts of the following question.
(Answer to each part should be approximately of 50 words).
1. What do you understand by
(i) Self reliance
(ii) Decentralized planning
(iii) Disguised unemployment
(iv) Regional Rural Banks
(v) Multinational Corporations
(vi) Industrial relations
(vii) Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments. (5×7=35)
Candidates should attempt any FIVE parts of the following
question. (Answer to each part should be approximately of 150 words)
2. (i) Explain the salient features of the New Economic Policy.
(ii) Explain the ‘Alternative Scheme of Devolution’ of the Tenth Finance
(iii) Comment on the problem of educated unemployment in India.
(iv) Comment on the Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY).
(v) Account for the factors responsible for industrial slowdown in India during
the past few years.
(vi) Outline the salient features of trade policy reforms in India during the
last decade.
(vii) Account for the increasing revenue deficits of the Government of India. (5×15
= 75)
(Candidates should attempt any THREE of the following questions.
(Answer to each question should be approximately of 500 words)
3. Comment on the distribution of financial resources between the Centre and
the States in India. Would you suggest any changes in it? (30)
4. Analyse the major causes of industrial disputes in India. Outline the
machinery for settlement and prevention of industrial disputes. (30)
5. Give a critical appraisal of the flow of institutional credit for agriculture
in India. (30)
6. Comment on the fiscal reforms programmes for States in India. (30)
7. Enumerate the steps undertaken by the Central Government towards widening the
income-tax base in India. (30)