(Paper) IES Indian Economic Previous Year Paper (2003)


Paper : IES Indian Economic Previous Year Paper (2003)

Candidates should attempt any FIVE parts of the following questions (Answer to each part should approximately be of 50 words)
1. (i) Local Agenda 21 of UNCED
(ii) Public Goods
(iii) Brundtland Report
(iv) Greenhouse Effect
(v) Kyoto Protocol
(vi) Limits to Growth
(vii) The Laffer Curve (5 × 7 = 35)

Candidates should attempt any FIVE parts of the following questions (Answer to each part should approximately be of 150 words)
2. (i) Discuss the methods of conservation of biological resources.
(ii) What are the methods for controlling Environmental damage?
(iii) What are the major features of Todaro model of rural-urban migration?
(iv) Discuss the accounting for environmental degradation.
(v) What are the rationales of social-cost benefit analysis?
(vi) What are the Euro-currency markets?
(vii) What is the role of state in a market oriented economy? (5 × 15 = 75)

Candidates should attempt any THREE questions (Answer to each question should approximately be of 500 words)
3. Discuss the impact of international financial flows on the decentralized development in developing countries. (30)

4. How is the economy of a country affected by the operation of the stock exchange? How far has SEBI in India succeeded in controlling and improving the stock exchange transactions? (30)

5. Discuss the various theories of public expenditure. How could public expenditure be made more conducive during privatization at the global level? (30)

6. Discuss the relative role of monetary and fiscal policies in the promotion of economic growth. Which one of the two policies is more relevant in developing countries? (30)

7. Discuss the failure of market mechanism in providing socially desirable allocation of resources in developing countries. How far are the development plans successful in achieving both the social and economic objectives in these countries? (30)

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