(Paper) IES - Indian Economic Service General Studies Previous Year Paper (1994)

Paper : IES - Indian Economic Service General Studies Previous Year Paper (1994)

1. Answer any three of the following: (in about 75 words each) 3 ×10 = 30
(a) What is fiscal deficit? Are you satisfied with the way we are controlling it in India?
(b) Point out the implication of the idea of sustainable development.
(c) Will you support or oppose a subsidized public distribution system? Give reasons.
(d) Explain the concept of bio-diversity.
(e) Explain clearly what you understand by hydrological cycle.

2. Write short notes on any two of the following? (in about 75 words each) 2 ×10 = 20
(a) Cryogenic engine
(b) Remote sensing
(c) Global warming.

3. Write short notes on any one of the following: (in about 75 words) 1 ×10 = 10
(a) What are the salient features of the Indus Valley Civilization?
(b) Differentiate between a state and national party in India

4. Answer any five of the following; (in about 25 words each) 5 ×2 = 10
(a) Why should VAT replace Sales tax?
(b) What does supply side economics mean?
(c) What is industrial sickness? V
(d) What is the difference between poverty and poor quality of life?
(e) What for has SEBI been set up?
(f) What are the problems of privatization?
(g) Why is there opposition to the GATT 1994 agreement?

5. Comment on any five of the following: (in about 25 words each) 5 ×2 = 10
(a) V Desert Development Programme in India
(b) Facilities made available to FIIs in India
(c) The Self-Employment Scheme for the Educated Unemployed Youth
(d) Objectives behind Regional Trading blocks
(e) Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
(f) Net Economic Welfare (g) Hot Money

6. Are the following statements true or false? Answer any five and give reasons for your answer. (in about 25 words each) 5 ×2 = 10
(a) A geostationary satellite remains stationary in space.
(b) The earth is closer to the sun in June than in December.
(c) A petrol engine can be run on Diesel.
(d) A solar eclipse can occur only on a full moon day.
(e) Water can extinguish any type of fire.
(f) Ice melts more quickly in water than in air at room temperature.
(g) Parboiled rice is more nutritious than unparboiled rice.

7. Write short notes on any five of the following: (in about 25 words ach) 5 ×2 = 10
(a) Ring of five
(b) Spring tides
(c) Coral reefs
(d) International Date Line
(e) Standard time
(f) Rift valley
(g) Equinox

8. Write short notes on any five of the following: (in about 25 words each) 5 × 2 = 10
(a) Distinguish between a Government Bill and a Private Member’s Bill.
(b) What is the significance of Art 17 in the Indian Constitution?
(c) What is Habeas Corpus?
(d) What is the tenure of the Chief Election Commissioner? How can he be removed from office?
(e) Describe the achievement of Guptas in the field of art and architecture.
(f) What is the significance of non-cooperation movement in Indian history?
(g) Explain Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s contribution to social reforms in India.

9. Write short notes on any five of the following: (in about 25 words each) 5 × 2 = 10
(a) How can a new State be created or abolished in India?
(b) When was the Human Rights Commission in India set up? What is its role?
(c) Differentiate between the council of Ministers and the Union Cabinet.
(d) Describe the composition of the electoral college which elects the President of India.
(e) When and how can the term of the Lok Sabha be extended beyond five years?
(f) Explain the procedure for the resolution of a deadlock between the two houses of the Parliament of India on an ordinary bill.
(g) Give a brief account of the Vedas.

10. Who discovered the following? 5 ×1 = 10
(a) Laws of heredity.
(b) Laws of planetary motion.
(c) Nuclear fission.
(d) Electromagnetic induction.
(e) Structure of DNA.

11. Answer the following in one sentence each: 5 ×1 = 5
(a) Where are the zinc mines located in India?
(b) Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?
(c) Who established the Institute of Palaeobotany in Lucknow?
(d) For what scientific work is Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman famous?
(e) Which scale is commonly used to measure intensity of earthquakes?

12. Answer the following in one sentence each: 5 ×1 =5
(a) Who was the founder of the Ghadr Party in India?
(b) Who wrote “Ain-i-Akoari”?
(c) Where is the International Court of Justice located?
(d) When was the capital of India shifted from Calcutta to Delhi?
(e) When did the U.N. come into being?

13. Answer the following in one sentence each: 5 ×1 = 5
(a) Is Right to Property a fundamental right in India?
(b) Which is the country where the communists have recently come back in Power?
(c) What is the political status of Delhi?
(d) What is the basis of representation of States in the Rajya Sabha?
(e) When was the Quit India Movement launched India?

14. Name the authors of the following books: 5 ×1 = 5
(a) Eternal India
(b) Prison Diary.
(c) Saket.
(d) Shah nama.
(e) Doctor’s Dilemma.

15. Where are the following located? 5 ×1 = 5
(a) Mahabaleshwar.
(b) Auroville.
(c) Cherrapunji.
(d) Ootacamund
(e) Pokhran.