(Paper) IFS - Indian Forest Service Botany Previous Year Paper (I) (2001)
Papers : IFS - Indian Forest Service Botany Previous Year Paper (I) (2001)
1. Answer any four of the following. (Your answers should not exceed 150
words for each of the sub-sections): (10 x 4 = 40)
a. Write short notes on:
i. Thermophylliceubacteria
ii. Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria
iii. Microbes which produce economically useful products
iv. Oncogenic viruses
b. Answer the following:
i Write a short account of host specific toxins.
ii What is ‘Koji’ fermentation? How is it formed and what are the products
produced by it?
iii Bio-deterioration caused by microbial organisms in agricultural produce.
Explain this phenomenon.
iv What are fungicides and how are they applied in standing crops and plant
c Explain the following:
i. Canker
ii Blight
iii Galls
iv Mosaic
d. Describe the following:
(i) Heterocysts
(ii) Akinetes
(iii)Water bloom algae
(iv) Witches’ broom
e. Write short notes on:
(i) Diatoms
(ii) Viroids
(iii) Mycoplasma
(iv) Proteases
2. (a) Give an account of various kinds of biofertilisers.
(b) How do food infection and food poisoning Occur? Explain. (20 x 2 =
3. (a) “The rusts of cereals are polymorphic in nature.” Explain
this statement and draw the lifecycle and control measures.
(b) Give an account of the improvements made in activities of
micro-organisms in forestry, agriculture, industry and environment. (20 x 2 =
4. Describe the following: (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Economic importance of blue-green algae
(b) Sporophyte of Selaginella
(c) Archegoniophore of Marchantia
(e) Sporophyte of Marsilea
5. Answer any four of the following. (Your answers should not exceed
l50words for each of the sub-sections): (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Distinguish the following:
(i) Storied and non-storied wood
(ii) Free central placentation and parietal placentation
(iii)Interxylary and intraxylary phloem
(iv) Latex-tubes and resin canals
(b) Describe the following:
(i) Equisetum species are not primitive vascular cryptogams
(ii) Stamens in Cucurbitaceae
(iii)Translators in Asclepiadaceae
(iv) Anomalous secondary growth
(c) Describe the following:
(i) Reproductive structure in Lycopodium
(ii) External morphology of Ephedra
(iii) Protein Synthesis
(iv) Cycadofihicales
(d) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Ecosystem
(ii) Floral diagram in Solanaceae
(iii) Distribution of Williamsonia
(vi) Carpels in dicots
(e) Briefly describe the following:
(i) Kranz Syndrome
(ii) Herbarium Techniques
(iii)Type Specimen
(iv) Hydrosere
6. Answer the following: (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Discuss photoperiodism and flowering.
(b) What is experimental embryology? Explain.
(c) What is Ginkgo biloba called a living fossil?
(d) Write about the reproduction in Taxus.
7. Answer the following: (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Write an account of the family Rubiaceae and compare it with that of
(b) Describe the family Cucurbitaceae, giving floral diagrams, floral formulae.
(c) Where are the National Botanical Gardens and Lloyd Botanical Gardens? How
are herbaria in botanical gardens arranged?
(d) Write about the economic importance of the family Asteraceae.
8. (a) Mention he botanical name, family and plant part used of the
following : (10 x 2 = 20)
(i) Teak
(ii) Heeng
(iii) Jute
(iv) Turmeric
(v) Sarpagandha
(vi) Cocoa
(vii) Cotton
(viii) Bamboo
(ix) Opiuni
(x) Peppermint
(b) Write an account of Takhtajan system of classification of plants. (20)