(Paper) IFS - Indian Forest Service Botany Previous Year Paper (II) (2000)

Papers : IFS - Indian Forest Service Botany Previous Year Paper (II) (2000)


1. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each:
(a) Ultra-structural details of an eukaryotic cell (Draw neat labeled diagrams). (10)
(b) Structure and functions of ribosomes. (10)
(c) Ultra-structure of plasma membrane. (10)
(d) Cytoplasmic inheritance (Give suitable examples). (10)
(e) Hybrid vigour and its important in agriculture. (10)

2. Write an account of genetic code and regulation of gene expression. (40)

3. (a) Given an illustrated account of linkage and crossing –over. (20)
(b) Write a brief account of evidences of organic evaluation. (20)

4. (a) What is meant by coefficient of variation? Calculate the coefficients of variation in the following example:
Numbers of leaves per plant
Set I : 20, 14, 18, 16, 15, 18, 17, 21
Set II: 12, 20, 11, 21, 18, 22, 10, 23
Draw a conclusion on the basis of the c.v. of the 2 sets (20)

(b) Explain the following statistical terms:
(i) Null hypothesis
(ii) Degrees of freedom (20)

5. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each:
(a) Carbon cycle in an ecosystem (Give diagrammatic representation). (10)
(b) Cyclic photophosphorylation (10)
(c) Acid rain and its impact on vegetation and human habitation. (10)
(d) Community dynamics. (10)
(e) Conservation of endangered plant species. (10)

6. Given an account of structural, biochemical and metabolic changes associated with senescence of flowers and ornamentals. (40)

7. (a) Write a short notes on Krebs’ cycle or citric acid cycle. (20)
(b) What is meant by Plant Succession? Discuss the phenomenon in relation to a drying pond giving different successional stages. (20)

8. (a) What is meant by smog? How does smog affect vegetation and human health? (20)
(b) Given a brief account of various factors responsible for water pollution. Suggest methods to control water pollution of important rivers of India. (20)