(Paper) Indian Forest Service Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences Previous Year Paper (2006)
Paper : IFS - Indian Forest Service Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences Previous Year Paper (2006)
Paper - 1 : SECTION - A
1. Write short notes on any four of the following in not
more than 150 words each
(a) Probiotics, their mode of action and usefulness. (10)
(b) Breeding plan for egg type poultry production. (10)
(c) Dairy farming vis-a-vis Mixed farming. (10)
(d) Role of cross-breeding in developing new breeds/strains. (10)
(e) Trace minerals in nutrition of growing animals. (10)
2. Describe the sequence of events along with details for improvement of
cattle in India. What were the shortcomings and constraints in not achieving the
targeted level of milk production? (40)
3. (a) Describe the suitable management practices to be followed for
Heifers and Pregnant stock in a commercial unit, (30)
(b) What will you feed daily to a breeding bull of five years of age
which is being used for semen collection for A.I.? (10)
4. Describe in detail method of meat inspection in Goat. How will you
differentiate meat of goats from that of sheep? (40)
5. Write short notes on any four of the following in not more than 150
words each.
(a) Development of economical ration for rabbits. (10)
(b) Construction of Selection Index and its use. (10)
(c) Female reproductive organs, their components and functions. (10)
(d) Factors affecting semen quality (10)
(e) Nucleus Breeding Schemes (10)
6. What are the hormones necessary for initiation and maintenance of
Pregnancy, Lactation and Parturition in dairy cows? Explain their role (40)
7. (a) Describe the steps for amelioration of Heat stress through suitable
shelter systems under rural conditions. (30)
(b) How do animals keep their body temperature constant under cold
environmental conditions ? (10)
8. Enumerate the steps to be taken for Quality Semen
Production. What are the factors affecting semen quality ‘in vivo’ and ‘in
vitro’? (40)
1. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words each: (10 x
4 = 40)
(a) Cell division.
(b) Blood groups.
(c) Chemotherapy of neoplastic diseases.
(d) Diagnosis and treatment of poisoning.
(e) SPCA
2. Write an account on antimicrobials and principles of chemotherapy in
microbial infections. (40)
3. Explain the pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and control of anthrax. (40)
4. Discuss the role of animals and birds in the prevalence and transmission of
zoonotic diseases. (40)
5. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 150 words
each: (10 x 4 = 40)
(a) Preparation of cultured milks
(b) BIS and Agmark specifications for milk products.
(c) Preservation of meat.
(d) Rabbits for meat production.
(e) Transfer of technology.
6. Explain the organisation of rural milk procurement including collection
and transport of raw milk. (40)
7. Write an account on the regulatory provisions in meat trade and industry.
8. Discuss the various animal husbandry programmes for rural development. (40)