(Paper) ISS - Indian Statistical Service General Knowledge Previous Year Paper (1999)
Paper : ISS - Indian Statistical Service General Knowledge Previous Year Paper (1999)
1. Answer any three of the following (in about 75 words
each): 3 x 10 = 30
(a) Explain the meaning of Public Debt and other liabilities n India.
(b) Can Fundamental Rights of Indian citizens be suspended?
(c) Distinguish between igneous and metamorphic rocks giving one example of
(d) Outline the salient features of the Theory of Demographic Transition.
(e) What is plate tectonics? How does it explain earthquakes?
2. Write short notes on any two of the following (in about 75 words each): 2
x 10 = 20
(a) Salient features of India’s space programme
(b) Abyssal plains and their economic utility
(c) Convectional rainfall
3. Write a short note on any one of the following (in about 75 words): 1 x 10
= 10
(a) What are Lok Adalats?
(b) Write a note on Sankaracharya.
4. Write short notes on/answer any five of the following (in
about 25 words each): 5 x 2 = 10
(a) Ultrasonography
(b) Param 10000
(c) Zeolites
(d) How is ‘Breach of Parliamentary Privilege’ different from ‘Contempt of
the House’?
(e) What is a caretaker government?
(f) Why is India a Republic?
(g) What is the purpose of an adjournment motion?
5. Write short notes on any five of the following (in about 25 words each): 5
x 2 = 10
(a) Prasar Bharati
(b) Inter-State Council
(c) The World Wide Web
(d) Closed economy
(e) University Grants Commission
(f) Hawa Mahal
(g) Press Council of India
6. Are the following statements True or False? Answer any five and give
reasons for your answer (in about 25 words each): 5 x 2=10
(a) A shooting star is actually a meteor.
(b) Water boils at a higher temperature under pressure
(c) A geostationary satellite remains stationary in orbit.
(d) FM broadcasts cannot be transmitted over long distances.
(e) Light travels faster in water than in air.
(f) A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth.
(g) The colour of soap films is due to interference of light.
7. Write short notes on any five of the following (in about 25 words each): 5
x 2 = 10
(a) Bahadur Shah II
(b) Acharya Vinoba Bhave
(c) Kalpana Chawla
(d) Amartya Sen
(e) Pandurang Shastri Athavale
(f) Ram Mohan Roy
(g) Devika Rani
8. Write short notes on/answer any five of the following (in about 25 words
each) 5 × 2 = 10
(a) What is Dialectical Materialism?
(b) Give the full expression of the acronym SPICMACAY.
(e) Legislative Council
(d) Gabon Republic
(e) Database
(f) Press Information Bureau
(g) Zero-Based Budgeting
9. Write short notes on/answer any five of the following (in about 25 words
each): 5 x 2 = 10
(a) How many battles were fought on the fields of Panipat and between whom?
(b) Mention the importance of Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan.
(c) Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan? Describe his achievement.
(d) Genetically modified organisms.
(e) Carbon dioxide and the Green-house effect.
(f) Catalytic Converter
(g) Remote Sensing
10. Where are the following located? (Mention both city and
state) : 5 x 1 = 5
(a) National Institute of Oceanography
(b) Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research
(c) Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
(d) Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science.
(e) Raman Research Institute
11. Write one sentence each on the following: 5 x 1 = 5
(a) Meiosis
(b) Internet
(c) Semiconductor
(d) Supersonic
(e) Equinox
12. Give the names of the capitals of the following 5 x 1 = 5
(a) Sikkim
(b) Lakshadweep
(c) Andaman and Nicohar Islands
(d) Himachal Pradesh
(e) Jammu and Kashrnir
13. Where are the following located? (Mention both the river and the state):
5 x 1 = 5
(a) Hirakud dam
(b) Nagarjuna Sagar dam
(c) Tehri dam
(d) Them dam
(e) Ukai clam
14. Answer the following : 5 x 1 = 5
(a) How can All India Services be created?
(b) Who appoints members of a State Public Services Commission?
(c) What is zero hour’ in legislature?
(d) How many Union Territories are there in India?
(e) Which was the last State added to the Indian Union?
15. Answer the following : 5 x 1 = 5
(a) Name the Indian who made a world record by graduating in science at the
age of less than 13 years.
(b) Name the person who was awarded Bharat Ratna 20 years after his death.
(c) Who was the first elected President of India?
(d) Who is the present Chief Justice of India?
(e) When was the Ninth Plan of India approved in National Development Council?