(JOBS) Tamil Nadu PSC Special Recruitment "Group-IV Services" : 2011
Special Recruitment (Group-IV Services) for Differently Abled Persons at TNPSC: 2011
TAMIL NADU PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (TNPSC), Applications from Differently Abled Persons alone are invited upto 5.45 p.m on 25-03-2011 for admission to the Written Examination for direct recruitment to the following backlog vacancies in the following posts included in Group-IV Services (S.S.L.C Standard).
Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post: Junior Assistant
- Salary: Rs.5200 – 20200+ GP Rs.2400/
- Post Code No : 2600
- Vacancies: 145 Posts
Name of the Post: Typist
- Salary : Rs.5200 – 20200+ GP Rs.2400/
- Post Code No: 2200
- Vacancies : 106 Posts
Name of the Post : Steno Typist
- Salary : Rs.5200 – 20200+ GP Rs.2800/
- Post Code No: 2300
- Vacancies : 17 Posts
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION (Common Qualification for all Posts):
Candidates should possess the following or its equivalent qualification on the date of this Notification, viz. 19-02-2011: Must possess Minimum General Educational Qualification viz., Must have passed S.S.L.C Public Examination or its equivalent with eligibility for admission to Higher Secondary Courses of Studies (or) to College Courses of studies. (Persons claiming equivalence of qualification should enclose evidence for such claim)
- The applicants who have not passed SSLC Examination or its equivalent are not eligible even if they possess a higher qualification.
- The candidates should enclose copy of such certificates along with his/her applications failing which their applications will be summarily rejected.
AGE (as on 01.07.2011):
- MINIMUM AGE LIMIT: Should have completed 18 years (for all candidates).
(i.e. should have been born on or before 01.07. 93)
MAXIMUM AGE LIMIT: For SCs, SC (Arunthathiyar on preferential basis) STs and Destitute Widows of all Castes : Below 45 Years/For MBCs/DCs, BCs and BCMs : Below 42 Years/For other than SCs, SC (Arunthathiyar on Preferential basis) STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs, BCMs and Destitute Widows of all castes : Below 40 Years
- Date of Notification: 19-02-2011
- Last date for receipt of applications: 25-03-2011 5.45.P.M.
- Date of Written Examination: 07-08-2011 10.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
FOR TYPIST : Must have passed the Government Technical Examination in
(i) by Higher/Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
(ii) by Higher/Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/Junior Grade in English (or)
(iii) by Higher/Senior Grade in English and Lower/Junior Grade in Tamil.
FOR STENO-TYPIST GRADE –III : Must have passed the Government Technical Examination both in Typewriting and in
(i) by Higher/Senior Grade in Tamil and English (or)
(ii) by Higher/Senior Grade in Tamil and Lower/Junior Grade in English (or)
(iii) by Higher/Senior Grade in English and Lower/Junior Grade in Tamil.
Computer Qualification :
Candidate should have passed the “Certificate Course in Computer on Office Automation” awarded by the Technical Education Department.
NO EXAMINATION FEE (for all candidates).
Candidates should enclose copies of all certificates (including evidence for Educational Qualification possessed by them and
Differently Abled Certificate) as mentioned in para 15 of the Commission’s 'Instructions etc. to
candidates' and item 25 under part –II of Information Brochure. Original Certificates should not
be sent. Those applying online please refer sub para (D) of para 14 of this Notification/
NOTE: Applications received without the attested copies of certificates as specified above will be
- OMR application form along with an 'INFORMATION BROCHURE TO CANDIDATES' containing General Instructions for filling up the application form, Commission's 'Instructions, etc., to candidates' and an envelope for sending application can be obtained from any one of the HEAD POST OFFICES in Tamil Nadu / Puducherry or selected Sub-Post Offices in Tamil Nadu including Alagapuram Post Office, Sivaganga on payment of Rs 30/- (Rupees Thirty only) (The list showing the names of Post Offices is available in the Commissions Website at www.tnpsc.gov.in)
- OMR application forms can also be obtained in person from the sales counter of the office of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, No.1. Greams Road, Commercial Taxes Office Annexe Building, Chennai – 600 006, on all the working days till the closing date upto 5.00 p.m. (Excluding lunch interval between 1.30 and 2.00 p.m.) only on cash payment of Rs.30/- (Rupees thirty only) Application forms will not be supplied to the candidates by Post.
- Candidates should use only the OMR application form. No other typed or printed or Xeroxed / Photocopy of the application form will be accepted and such application, if any received, will be summarily rejected.
- Candidates can also avail of the facility of applying ‘Online’ on the Commission’s Website at www.tnpsc.gov.in. Candidates applying ‘Online’ should possess and keep ready Postal Receipt for Rs.30/- (i.e. Cost of Application Rs.30/-) obtained from any one of the Post Offices listed in Annexure-III to the Information Brochure to candidates before Registering Online. The Postal Receipt obtained for the payment of Cost of Application should be pasted in the space provided in the application. The Postal Receipt Number should be filled in the relevant column of the application. Candidates applying ‘Online’ shall also abide by the Commission’s Instructions laid down in this Notification / Advertisement/Commission’s “Instructions, etc., to candidates” / Information Brochure to candidates. Candidates applying Online should send the applications (i.e. The printout generated from the web site and signed by the candidates) with the Postal Receipt along with attested copies of certificates so as to reach the Commission’s office on or before the last date for receipt of applications, failing which his/her applying online will be closed on 23-03-2011 at 5.45.p.m.
- Candidates are advised to verify the following aspects also before sending their filled in OMR
applications to the Commission’s office.
(i) Signature by the candidate below the declaration in Ballpoint pen or fountain pen only. Failure to sign will entail rejection of his/her application.
(ii) Columns 1, 1(a) 3, 4 and 22, in the OMR application form filled up based on the details available in this Notification / Advertisement.
(iii) Candidates should shade Columns 11, 11(a), 14(b), 15, 23, 23(a) and 23(c) of the O M R application form compulsorily. If yes, [for column 23, 23(a) and 23(c) full details should be enclosed in a separate paper). - Filled in applications must be sent to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, No 1. Greams Road, Commercial Taxes Office Annexe Building,Chennai-600 006 well in advance so as to reach the Commission’s Office before 5.45 p.m. on 25-03-2011.
Courtesy: tnpsc.gov.in