(Paper) Management : Main Examination
UPSC : Management : Main Examination
The candidate should make a study of the concept and development of management as science and art drawing upon the contributions of leading thinkers of management and apply the concepts to the real life of government and business decision making keeping in view the changes in the strategic and operative environment.
I. Managerial Function: Concept and foundations of Management, Managerial role and functions. Analysis of Environmental opportunities and threats, Formulation of Organisational Vision, Mission and Objectives. Decision Making.
II. Organisational Behaviour and Design : Classical and Neoclassical Systems, Delegation of Authority, Design of Strategic Business Units.
Theories of motivation and their relevance. Communication. Leadership. Understanding group behaviour and dynamics. Conflict Management. Managing Change. Innovation in Organizational Design such as Networks, Knowledge Based Enterprises-Systems and Processes.
III. Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making : Classification of data, Averages, Dispersion and Skewness. Correlation and Regression. Time-Series Analysis & Forecasting Techniques. Elementary concepts of Binomial, Poisson and Normal Distributions. Tests of Significance t, F and Chisquare. Linerar Programming-Problem formulation-Simplex method and Graphical solution. PERT and CPM. Decision making under uncertainity.
IV. Management Control System: Basic concepts, Understanding strategic behaviour. Responsibility Centres, Strategic Planning, Preparation of budgets, Zero Based Budget, Analysis and Evaluation of Performance, Control System in Service Organization. Modern Control Methods, Controlling Global Enterprises: Transfer Pricing and Management of Risk.
V. Strategic Cost Management : Value Chain : Conceptual issues and Applications. Cost ana lysis-Activity based costing, Cost Drivers and their measurement. Target Costing. Profit Variance Analysis.
VI. Business Environment : Concept and Analysis of Macro-business environment: Indian and global. Analysis of structural dimensions of Indian Economy. Directions of change and impact on business decision. Regulatory and promotional Policies. Liberalization, Globalisation and Ccrporatisation Problems,and Prospects.
I. Financial Management: Goal of Finance Function. Analysis of Financial Postion: Ratio and Funds Flow Analysis. Concepts of value and return. Valuation of Bonds and Shares. Risk and. Return: Portfolio Theory, CAPM and APM. Option Pricing. Financial and Operating leaverage. Design of Capital Structure; Theories and Practices. Management of Working Capital: Estimation and Financing. Management of Cash, Receivables and Inventory and Current Liabilities.
Capital and Money Markets: Institutions and Instruments. Leasing, Hirepurchase and veartur capital mergers and acquistions. Shareholder Value Creation: Dividend Policy, Corporate financial policy and strategy., Management of corporate distress and restructuring strategy. Regulation of capital market.
II. Marketing Management: Concept and strategy. Analysis of marketing environment and planning process. Understanding and selecting target markets: Marketing Research, Consumer Behaviour. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning., Product management. Distribution channels . and logistics. Public Distribution System. Marketing Communciation, Brand Management, personal selling and management of salesforce. Pricing decisions. Understanding competitive strategy. Design, implementation and control. Services and non-profit marketing. Social Marketing. Creating global competitive Advantage: Analysis, formulation, implementation and control. Evaluation of marketing function. Ethics in marketing: Consumer protection. E-Business.
III. International Business : International Business Environment: Changing composition of trade in goods and services. Emerging areas of trade. Evaluation of International Trade Policies-instruments of trade policy, institutions of international business GATT//WTO, Trims and Trips-Labour conditions and environmental issues, trade in services and agri products, role of IMF, World Bank, UNCTAD. Regional Economic Cooperation. Export Marketing Management-Overseas market research, Export pricing and finance. Management of risk. Export-import procedures. Tole of intermediaries and documentation.
IV. Operation and Materials Management: Fundamentals of Operations Management. Organising for Production. Aggregate Production Planning, Capacity Planning, Plan Design: Process planning plant size and scale of operations. Management of facilities. Equipment replacement and maintenance. Production control. Supply Chain Management-Vendor Evaluation and Audit. Qualify Management.
Role and importance of Materials Management, Material Handling, Value Analysis, Quality control, Make or Buy Decision. Codification, Standardisation of spare parts inventory. Inventory Control. Two Bin System. Waste Management, Purchasing process and procedure. International Buying.
V. Management Information System : Conceptual foundations of Information System. Information Resource Management. System Development-Overview of Systems and Design. System Development Management life-cycle, Designing on-line and Distributed environments. Implementation and Control of Project. Trends in Information Technology. Managing Data Resources-Organising Data. DSS and RDBMS.
VI. Human Resource Development : Concept and Policies. Man-power planning; recruitment, Selection, trainging, development, promotion and transfer. Performance Management-job evaluation, job enrichment. Compensation Management, Employee Morale and Productivity. Management of Organisational Climate and Industrial Relations.1 Humans Resource Accoutring and Audit.