(News) UPSC Announces CDS Results (2008)
News : UPSC Announces CDS Results (2008)
The UPSC today announced the results of Combined Defence Service 2008. In all 311 candidates have qualified for training for job. Of these 254 have qualified for admission to the Officers’ Training Academy, Chennai for
89th Short Service Commission course (for men), and 3rd Short Service Commission Women (non-technical) course commencing April this year.
The list for men also include the names of the candidates for selected for the Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Naval Academy Goa and Air Force Academy Hyderabad. The result of the medical examinations has not been taken into account and the candidature of all candidates is provisional, an official release said. Candidates can get their results from the UPSC website.
Courtesy : Gujaratglobal.com