(News) UPSC: Personality test for Central Police Forces Exam (Assistant Commandants) from Aug-24 to Sep 4,2009
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will conduct the
interview / personality test for Central Police Forces
(Assistant Commandants) Examination, 2008 from August 24, 2009
to September 4, 2009.
The interview / personality test will be held at the
Commission's office at New Delhi.
In a press statement, the UPSC said, "Summon Letters for
interview / personality test to all the eligible candidates have
been issued. If any candidate has not received Summon Letter for
Interview/Personality Test, he/she may contract on Tel.
No.011-23386281 or can send
message on Fax No.011-23387310.
UPSC's Facilitation Counter can also be contacted in person or
over Telephone Nos. 011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543
during working hours".
The schedule of Interview / Personality Test is available on the
Commission's official website.
Courtesy : UPSC.GOV.IN