(Notification) UPPSC: Combined State/Upper Subordinate Service Examination 2011
Public Service Commission, Uttar Pradesh
(UPPSC: Combined State/Upper Subordinate Service Examination 2011)
Vacancy Details:
Number of Posts: 100
Education Qualification: The Candidate must posses a bachelor's Degree or its equivalent from any recognised University by the last date for receipt of application.
How to Apply:
- Application at this stage are being invited for the preliminary examination only. Candidates declared application forms which will be supplied to them by the Commission.
- OMR application forms with instructions can be parched for Rs. 155/- for PREGEN Series (General, OBC of UP, and all candidates of other States) and Rs. 95/- for PRERES (S.C. of U.P., S.T. of U.P.) in case through the Post Office located at the following places from the date of Advertisement to last date for receipt of applications.
Age Limit: Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have crossed the age of 35 year on July 1, 2011.
Important Dates:
- The Candidate may obtain O.M.R. Application forms through the Post Offices from 01 January, 2011
- Closing Date For The Sale & Sale & Receipt of Application Form is 28 January, 2011